Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [pn reflx] from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But in terms of his public image as seen at the time , he had been careful to distance himself from the unpopular anti Jewish terror of the Nazi mobs and had placed himself on the side of legality .
2 It appears impossible to detach oneself from the visual analogy sufficiently to criticize it , without finding another to put in its place or balance against it .
3 I agreed with Gyggle , only by entering the dreamscape , the hypercast of my hotted-up mind , could I hope to resolve this paradox and once and for all free myself from the malevolent force which I felt had shaped my life .
4 This seems to be true in spite of the fact that Spinoza was very much of a generation which was concerned to dissociate itself from the Greek inheritance , and indeed he represents something of a fresh injection of Jewish moral feeling into the main Christian current of Western thought .
5 These witches are the ‘ middle class ’ of respectability , always concerned to distance themselves from the first group and ever keen to present the acceptable face of natural religion .
6 And not only the tabloids : with the exception of Lord Whitelaw , Tory leaders did little to distance themselves from the racist comments of Sir Nicholas Fairbairn and instead came back with very similar language — from ‘ swamping ’ to ‘ Mongol hordes ’ .
7 Student demonstrations increased sharply at the end of the decade and although the educated public in general dissociated themselves from the violent means and socialist ends of the revolutionaries , a large section of the press showed scant sympathy for the government .
8 Thus the quarrel between Megara and Corinth , which drove the former to detach herself from the Peloponnesian League in 461 and join Athens , was originally over boundary land .
9 Instead of ‘ saving people from sinking ships ’ , when the Patna , carrying hundreds of Malayan pilgrims on the way to Mecca , strikes a hidden wreck and appears to be sinking , Jim at first dissociates himself from the deplorable trio of captain and officers , when they lower the only boat for their escape ; and then , on an impulse he can never explain , jumps overboard to join them , leaving the passengers , as he believes , to certain death .
10 From Lenin 's use of an ‘ expropriated ’ Rolls-Royce and ‘ socialized ’ imperial palaces and capitalist villas onwards , the People 's representatives had found it necessary to insulate themselves from the daily difficulties of ordinary life .
11 It seemed that Jason was keen to distance himself from the increasing danger of being known as the future Mr Minogue .
12 The thought of Norman 's discomfiture at finding her gone cheered her a little and she pressed her foot down on the accelerator , anxious to distance herself from the three of them , to reach the safety of home .
13 Yet there were others who clearly did not relish James 's rule , having actively opposed him when King , and who did their best to distance themselves from the Jacobite cause after the Revolution , Archbishop Sancroft being the most famous example .
14 While thus engaged he met a group of Gold Coast traders to whom the British government , eager to disentangle itself from the political strife of the region , was in the process of handing over its installations .
15 In response the government , eager to distance itself from the ruling FLN , which was itself in disarray [ see pp. 37628 ; 37795-96 ] , and secure its own survival , promised that free and open parliamentary elections would be held in the first half of 1991 .
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