Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the ignominious collapse of the grand scheme the two separated , each to accommodate itself to the developing capitalist system , each to find its own way forward within the system and as part of it .
2 The outer leaves are very important for the effect of the painting , especially against the sky , whereas it is possible to lose myself in the inner masses to some extent .
3 Through this it is possible to orient oneself amidst the various schools and to make sense of the anonymous drawings , which constitute the majority . ’
4 This manifested itself in the falling returns in grain collections for provisioning the towns and the Red Army .
5 Paper circulates today in vast quantities , and you need only to retrieve some of this to provide yourself with an adequate body of notes at no cost at all .
6 This links itself to the three previous parts because it displays a process which metaphorically or symbolically represents change .
7 This left Lady Arran free to fortify herself with a large tot of rum .
8 For the most part these arose from the almost heedless manner in which Christians were prepared to identify themselves with the dominant values of secular Roman society .
9 Charlie should have known the shysters when he saw them — but too often he was willing to identify himself with the craw-thumping brigade , allowing them to subvert his better , progressive instincts .
10 In Chapter 3 it was argued that pre-colonial society was indeed authoritarian , and that this expressed itself in a great stress on the conformity of the individual , and on a hierarchy of relationships between young and old , between chiefs and people and between men and women .
11 The English established themselves in a strong defensive position and on the evening of 26 August the French approached .
12 In paranoid disorders however , it is the son 's passive relation to the father that threatens to unman him , and this expresses itself in the characteristic symptom of paranoia — delusions produced by the mechanism of projection .
13 But in terms of his public image as seen at the time , he had been careful to distance himself from the unpopular anti Jewish terror of the Nazi mobs and had placed himself on the side of legality .
14 This presented itself as a worldly acknowledgement that different communities have different values and different ways of life which they have an instinct and a right to defend .
15 If Protestantism was more Conducive than Catholicism to the expansion of science , one would expect this to manifest itself in a greater receptivity toward new and controversial ideas .
16 This either indicates the typical ’ lip-service ’ paid to issues of racism , the overriding liberalism , the negation of our abilities to give a contribution , or it show that Black women are not prepared to involve themselves in a reactionary movement which takes no account of our needs .
17 To take the initiative yourself , however is often too difficult : your mind may have convinced you that your confusion is so much greater than other people 's , your backlog of work so much longer , your reputation so much lower , that to open yourself to the social confirmation of these frightful facts would be a pointless and self-sacrificing thing to do .
18 It would not be easy to acknowledge themselves as the poor relation .
19 However , it is very easy to find yourself in a financial crisis .
20 The landed gentry of Wiltshire and Dorset do , after all , have a knowledge of their counties that goes generations deep , and they are somewhat dismayed to find themselves with an academic bishop who has never been a parish priest and who , they feel , does not understand the nature of rural society .
21 Mother looked at them , shook her head and sighed , then advising Etty to rinse herself with the warm water , she turned , stood up , and moved towards the door , unaware that her apron-strings were entangled with a handle of the zinc-tub …
22 It appears impossible to detach oneself from the visual analogy sufficiently to criticize it , without finding another to put in its place or balance against it .
23 It indicates that he is not content to confine himself to the small island of his own tradition and culture and consequently not recognize the significance of the spiritual insights of other religious traditions .
24 Mann considered these objective to be so important that in January 1897 he gave up the secretaryship of the Independent Labour Party which he had held since 1894 to devote himself to the continental agitation , especially in Rotterdam , Antwerp and Hamburg , which had been started in the previous year .
25 Too dark , too dangerous , said Antoinette : easy to cut yourself on a broken wine bottle or get your frock filthy with cobwebs and dust .
26 Crushed ambitions and women 's lib feelings had rallied to the author 's right to identify herself with a polished ship .
27 This being the case , the couple have to work hard to establish themselves as a new adult unit .
28 These manifest themselves as the impulsive gravitational waves ( 15.10 ) which may be considered to be generated by the collision .
29 From the earliest encounters between Europeans and Others right to the present , these manifest themselves in an endless series of speculations , projections , fantasies and crimes in relation to ‘ African ’ and ‘ Oriental ’ women and men ( Gilman , 1985 , 1987 ; Cohen , 1988 ; Open University , 1992 ) .
30 I tied the points of my hose , pushing down my shirt , glad to protect myself against the unearthly chill in that ghastly chamber .
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