Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [vb pp] [prep] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 In this respect , at least , little has altered since the nineteenth century .
2 The aim of the project is to document and interpret the complex relationship between gender roles , family structures and marriage ceremonial and the ways each has changed in the twentieth century .
3 We have about a ninety , ninety five percent , I think , qualified staff , and that has improved over the last eight years from
4 This has paid for the first phase of development and is entirely owned by a group of Japanese businesspeople plus Francis Charig , formerly head of trading systems business at the London Stock Exchange , who acts as managing director and the link between TK and Tao Systems .
5 This has paid for the first phase of development and is entirely owned by a group of Japanese businesspeople plus Francis Charig , formerly head of trading systems business at the London Stock Exchange , who acts as managing director and the link between TK and Tao Systems .
6 The number of people unemployed has risen for the twenty-second month in a row , the figure now stands at two point six , five million .
7 Some had existed from the fourth and fifth centuries on — especially the great pilgrim basilicas of Rome , with St Peter and St Paul fuori le mura in the lead .
8 The transportation of useful plants from one part of the world to another had begun in the eighteenth century , and we saw in the previous chapter how Kew Gardens became the hub of the British empire 's efforts to replace indigenous species with imported ones of greater commercial value .
9 ‘ Too much has happened in the last year , ’ he said , ‘ and too much change around a candidate is not wise . ’
10 According to statistics provided by human rights and business organizations , 1,598 Guatemalans had been murdered , 2,517 had suffered bodily harm and 906 had disappeared in the first six months of 1989 .
11 Of the seven warmest years in the 20th century ( which were , in order , 1990 , 1988 , 1983 , 1987 , 1944 , 1989 and 1981 ) six had occurred in the last decade .
12 The northbound carriageway between junctions nine and ten is still blocked and we 're told it 's likely to remain blocked for the next two hours .
13 ( June 22-July 23 ) Although Jupiter is now sparkling away in your own birth sign and you in turn should feel decidedly more buoyant or optimistic , unfortunately , the atmosphere at home is likely to remain strained during the first few days of the month .
14 The most recent Scandinavian and American research suggests that however long you live , serious ill-health is most likely to lie compressed into the last three or four years before death .
15 Something like twenty-five of these have appeared in the last two years and more are on the way .
16 This chapter examines the broader economic circumstances of non-institutionalized elderly people , and the way these have changed over the last eighty years , to see how far and in what areas they may challenge the assertions of the ‘ structured dependency ’ school of authors .
17 It will examine the main determinants of international production and foreign direct investment and how these have changed over the last 50 years ; the way in which decisions are taken within multi-national enterprises ; the changing forms of international involvement , and the impact of the activities of MNEs on the home and host economies in which they operate .
18 I need to know his home address , his occupation , and his business address , and if any of these have changed in the last five years .
19 This latter has increased throughout the twentieth century ; it is not an end-of-century phenomenon .
20 ‘ The substantial improvement we reported for 1992 has continued in the first three months of 1993 following a further sharp reduction in our worldwide underwriting deficit .
21 It is the most addictive drug ever — many become addicted from the first time they use it .
22 All had expired within the last eighteen months .
23 How on earth would that have happened in the first instance ?
24 The town is unlikely to have appeared before the third century .
25 Alexander I had decided in the second half of 1825 that the international problems which derived from the conflict between Greeks and Turks could not be resolved by the Concert of Europe .
26 Louis XIV had seen in the last days of his reign the growing pointlessness of the traditional Franco-Austrian antagonism , but his efforts to achieve some agreement with the Habsburgs were not followed up by his successors .
27 One study showed that about half of teenage mothers did not go to the antenatal clinic until the third or fourth month , almost one in five had waited until the fifth month of pregnancy , and a few did not go at all .
28 The same applies to Ashford , where according to our figures the same has happened for the last three years .
29 ‘ You 've practically exiled yourself from your family and your home and your friends , you think you 've failed your finals but you say you 've no intention of sitting your re-sits even if you have ; you 've no money and you have n't even been looking for a job ; you 're getting done for shop-lifting and you 're acting like such a fucking dick-head you seem determined to get shot of the last few pals you do have left … and all you can do is make smart-ass remarks . ’
30 Whichever drawing he particularly commented on in the evening was certain to have disappeared by the next day .
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