Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [adv] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That goes nicely behind a six foot trestle or whatever it is .
2 Viewing the accounts of parish overseers with their detailed entries of small payments for a range of needs , some historians have found it possible to write approvingly of a Poor Law which was sensitive to local needs and did not deal in bread alone .
3 It is possible to work hard at a complete system and get very little from it because of interference by other predators .
4 The exaggeration or over-simplification of the notion of commonality within the gens as regards ownership of property is also apparent in the discussion of kinship and this led equally to a fundamental misunderstanding .
5 This looks forward to a future phase of professionalism .
6 This looks almost like a long unused guest room with a view .
7 Simmel places exchange at the point at which Hegel constructs society , and this articulates well with a major tradition in anthropological theory , where it is exchange , often viewed in terms of the polarity of gift and commodity , which is seen as constitutive of society itself ( e.g. Appadurai 1986 ; Lévi-Strauss 1969 ; Sahlins 1974 : 165–183 ) .
8 prisons , being regarded by most planners and politicians as ‘ non-productive ’ ( short-sighted a view as this may be ) , did not until very recently achieve even token inclusion in a Five Year Plan , and this came only after a lengthy battle by individuals within the Ministries of Home Affairs and Welfare to include a meaningful package for development in the correctional field .
9 A disadvantage of the microscope aid is that as the magnification increases the size of the lens has to decrease , owing to the weight and expense of high-powered lenses , and this results again in a smaller field of view .
10 This happens rapidly in a steady wind but can be helped by shaking the kite .
11 This happens only over a limited Reynolds number range .
12 If England were to decline to tour India on the grounds of safety , other countries might not be so willing to visit there for a one-day jamboree .
13 Most of us would probably start off growing pelargoniums in a soilless compost but Hazel reports that they 're actually much easier to grow well in a loam-based compost .
14 It is here that alternative approaches are discussed and weighted , and this leads ultimately to a refined solution .
15 This leads directly to a further difference : an orthodox practitioner is likely to treat all cases of influenza with the same drug , an antibiotic perhaps ; whereas the homoeopathic practitioner may use different remedies , depending on the patient 's reaction to the influenza , as we saw in the cases illustrated above .
16 They housed children who could not find foster parents or who were too old to fit easily into a new family environment .
17 This keeps well in a screw-top jar in the fridge .
18 I mean , which is easier to put across in a 40-second commercial ?
19 This appears almost as a solid wall of mist , obscuring the view .
20 It is an excellent rule not to destroy any living organism without good cause , and this applies particularly to a potential human being .
21 This consists primarily of a 15-year mapping programme which began in 1990/91 .
22 Regrettably this consists only of a short description of the mechanical working of the lift , taken from Thomas 's own description , giving no assessment of the lift 's success in use , despite the fact that it appeared six months after the lift 's entry into service .
23 Prime factors of 12 are 2,2 and 3. 2 appears twice as a common factor .
24 I did this walk once on a bright June day with Pat and Bill the dog .
25 This brought together in a simplified form a number of remedies obtainable from a Divisional Court of the Queen 's Bench Division consisting of two or three judges .
26 Like the 1970 Werner Report this looked forward to a full EMU in the long term , with free capital movements , fixed exchange rates ( or maybe a common currency ) and a central budgetary institution .
27 This appeared quickly as a cardinal element in Iran 's strategy when Iranian naval craft , as we have already seen , bombarded the southern Iraqi terminals .
28 2 Step forward with a right lunge punch to the body .
29 Babies like this thrive best in a restful , quiet atmosphere .
30 This comes ahead of a proposed meeting in Washington next month between the foreign ministers of the US , Egypt and Israel .
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