Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [prep] a [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 The rise to power of Saddam Hussein and the subsequent outbreak of the Gulf war in 1980 led to a revival of the Iraqi claim to the islands .
2 Of course there is an argument for substitution , and other projects have used such a method ( see below ) ; it is often suggested for example that it is particularly hard for the elderly mentally frail to cope with a variety of different service-providers .
3 If ever it were possible to agree upon a scheme of regional government , then there might be a basis for regional representation , but attempts at this have so far failed .
4 The finding of normal concentrations of albumin , retinol binding protein , and triglyce ide among cancer patients , irrespective of the stage and tumour grade , excludes nutritional wasting as a cause of the hypocholesterolaemia .
5 While it remained possible to cling to a sense of the " vital ambitions " of the discipline , " human and institutional frailties " were seen as likely to inhibit the achievement of such ambitions .
6 And that goes for a lot of businesses !
7 ET-1 belongs to a family of peptides ( endothelins 1 , 2 , and 3 ) that possess close structural and biological similarities .
8 It is possible to see in a catalogue of this sort the origins of the very exact nomenclature found in many of Mary Leapor 's landscape descriptions ( see chapter three below ) .
9 Mid morning he would yell out to the trainees during lulls in activity : " Everyone off the phone " When all had complied , he instructed them each to write on a piece of paper ten numbers out of the 40 that corresponded with the internal telephone lines .
10 From the King 's workmen I ordered fifty heavy metal hooks , each fastened to a piece of strong rope .
11 The Meretz group , which formed part of the new Israeli coalition government [ see p. 39028 ] , signed on July 9 a coalition agreement with the Labour Party which recognized Meretz 's right to differ on a number of points .
12 The main body of these superb watercolours is of more recent vintage and runs the whole gamut of the seasons it is refreshing to come across a trio of such shivery snowscapes as Deep Snow , Upleatham ( 28 ) , Road into Guisborough ( 78 ) and Tocketts Farm in Snow Guisborough ( 22 ) .
13 That looks like a bit of a balancing feat right enough .
14 These well-protected dinosaurs each diversified into a number of genera ; the three main groups are : the stegosaurs of the Jurassic , with paired plates along the back and a nastily spiked tail ( Stegosaurus ) ; the ceratopsians , horned , rhinoceros-like dinosaurs of the Cretaceous , including the familiar Triceratops ; the spiky armoured ankylosaurs , tanks on stumpy legs .
15 A college … should provide a school … and the subscribers , becoming Governors of the new institution , should proceed to choose a President , Vice-Presidents , Treasurer , Secretary , and such other officers as should appear convenient … to institute their Veterinary Professor … that His Majesty , and His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , be humbly prayed to take it under their joint patronage : and , the Master of the Horse , the President of the Royal Society , the President of the Royal College of Physicians , and the President of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts , Manufacturers and Commerce , should be each invited to a government of the college …
16 It has been the growth in tax allowances that has allowed the rich to hide behind a smokescreen of high marginal tax rates , while , in reality paying an average rate far below that of many ordinary households ( see the answer given to Gordon Brown MP above , in ‘ Tax Benefits ’ , p. 99 ) .
17 Perhaps the financial strain is reflected in Fitzjohn 's sale of Ringwood Manor ( Hampshire ) for 2,250 marks ; but he was on good terms with Clare , in and after 1267 appearing as a member of his entourage .
18 Miss Metcalfe and her accordion had hardly been adequate to cope with a congregation of some 200 people , so the following year a portable harmonium , played by the Stalling Busk church organist Miss E Leyland , accompanied the singing .
19 The trade union officials involved in the agreements were fully aware of their two-sided nature , and some admitted to a sense of bad conscience at seeing the regular dismissal of " involuntary " temporary workers .
20 Section 47 of the Criminal Law Act 1977 , was not brought into force for another five years until 1982 , Ministers of both parties having accepted the advice of Home Office officials that the provision was too risky to implement at a time of acute overcrowding in the prisons .
21 If the new husband 's financial status is not acceptable to the mortgagee , so that the mortgagee is only prepared to agree to a conveyance of the property to the wife and new husband if the husband remains liable under the original mortgage , then it would seem reasonable for the husband to comply only with the terms of the court order or matrimonial agreement ( to which of course the new husband is not a party ) and not to convey/transfer to the wife and the new husband .
22 And if this goes round a sort of roughly circular track , the we 're not measuring velocity , we 're measuring speed .
23 This amounted to a withdrawal of $115 billion from the economy , about a third of Brazil 's GDP .
24 This amounted to a reversal of the earlier gradualist assumption that a virtually full preparation of slaves for freedom was possible within the structure of slavery .
25 This led into a couple of summers acting as a professional lifesaver during summer vacations from Sheffield University .
26 This led to a discussion of favourite books and authors , then on to music and art .
27 This led to a discussion of timetabling and the constraints imposed by group sizes , and how these constraints might be eased .
28 This led to a number of interrelated projects being financed in three limited areas ; the High Pennines , the area around Scarborough , and between Bude and Wadebridge in the South West .
29 This led to a surplus of qualified workers and made it possible for their work and pay to be devalued .
30 This led to a reassessment of the ethical issues surrounding newborn screening .
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