Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [prep] [det] [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 The job of the elder to stand by that child and , and see to its Christian nurture thereafter .
2 Hens and geese were picking around in two small haystacks and fleets of tiny yellow chickens were half hidden beneath some planking and under the foundations of some rickety sheds .
3 He was the man she wanted to be with for the rest of her life and she was willing to jump through any hoop and over any hurdle to win him .
4 I was not prepared to suffer in any shape or form in training .
5 They realize that they have problems and but they seem so willing to stand by each other and the the spirit which I 've noticed is very h
6 Of the 21 attacks attributed to Iran from January to May 1986 , over half occurred in this area and many involved helicopters .
7 And if you if you compare those diagonal markings with the sorts of markings on on er some of these other stones , these these are a bit diagonal but if you look carefully they go there 're some going in that direction and some are going that direction .
8 Books Tokens is planning a mailing to primary schools in the UK and Ireland in April , and would be interested to hear from any publisher or organisation wishing to reach this market with a view to sharing costs .
9 Details of individual associations between actual and optimal decisions are given in Table 3 ; this presents for each subject and for each repetition the proportion of the variance of actual output ( or actual sales proportion ) explained by optimal output ( or actual sales proportion ) .
10 I am prepared to pay for such information and pay well .
11 to go back , because to do this to get to this stage and find we 're not getting our audiences then , if that 's the answer we 'll just have to find the solution .
12 It 's it 's easier to say for some reason or other and yet
13 This works with any styling or drying method and will give your hair natural-looking controlled body .
14 There was a much-told tale of her Australian infancy that was held to be prophetic in this respect — about how at the age of three she had , by the sheer force of her will , compelled her uncle Walter ( who was taking her for a walk to the local shops at the time ) to put all the money he had on his person into a charity collecting-box in the shape of a plaster-of-Paris boy cripple ; as a result of which the uncle , too embarrassed to admit to this folly and borrow from his relatives , had run out of petrol on the way back to his sheep station .
15 It is easy to debate in this House and reveal inherent contradictions between one side and the other and to make simplistic points about how one side must be right and the other wrong .
16 However , a supply of such posters has proved hard to locate so Trevor would be delighted to hear from any supplier or reader who might be able to suggest a source or help in some way .
17 In particular , human performance within systems is impossible to predict with any precision and details of this performance as it occurs in practice or on simulators is the only basis for prediction on matters such as safety and system reliability either for the current system or for future systems .
18 Most people will gain a greater sense of inner peace — something that is very much lacking in this day and age .
19 The problem is that this line is impossible to draw with any certainty or accuracy , because the definition of kind or type is inevitably comprised of descriptions within the statute of the situation which the tribunal has to determine .
20 So there is no doubt about the ability of the Japanese to pay for this information and knowledge , nor about their strong motivation for acquiring it .
21 The New Survey of London Life and Labour agreed with this assessment and reported that whereas in the 1880s homework had been done primarily to supplement wages , in the 1930s women tended to work in order to buy extras , reflecting the greater regularity of men 's employment , together with a more efficient social security system for the families of the unemployed .
22 Many other contributions were of interest ! but it was strange to look on this picture and on that — to see on the same walls so many poor efforts at painting alongside of chef-d'oeuvres of artistic power .
23 We illustrate ways in which these combine with each other and with wider sets of social relations by using the examples of the development of radical forms of local politics in both the small borough of Clay Cross and in the very large Greater London Council .
24 I mean it 's okay to come to this studio and , in Edinburgh and walk up a busy street and see people going into pubs and being drunk !
25 Now , because everything we did or said might have had some effect on John , I found it hard to relax about any aspect and always felt that we had to do more , be more efficient , keep up the pressure .
26 Some missiles would be likely to leak through each layer but the cumulative effect would be to limit the damage greatly .
27 Sections of the Left agree with that thesis and are of the opinion that the powers of the Prime Minister are too great .
28 Although classes have finished please try to let as many people as possible know of this occasion and make every effort to attend to show our affection and appreciation of the years of help and skill Beryl gave to Medau .
29 I do n't know who or what Wide Awake heard during that week but it certainly did n't originate in the Lower Ormeau .
30 Section 5 refers to such use or possession as " consumer use " .
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