Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [conj] [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All around us were mountains ; they were often half-smothered in cloud , but in the evenings this lifted and then the crests loomed over us , rain-washed , clear-cut and splendid .
2 They had to reconcile the interests of poor peasants with the larger national goals of providing for the war and this meant that how the C C P had to take a more moderate erm policy .
3 To use a common denigrating quote of a ‘ PR job ’ , this implies that somehow the truth is being hidden behind a glossy or false facade .
4 This would be fine but the natural type of memory for a modern machine , a 286 or 386 , is extended memory and this means that often a machine will have 4 or 8 MBytes of memory that a simple spreadsheet just can not make use of .
5 It will be irresponsible to allow this to happen and therefore the company will maintain normal port services irrespective of any union ballot .
6 This suggests that either the K + channel bearing cells were overgrown by other cell types when true confluency was achieved , or confluency was associated with full polarisation of the cells and mvoement of K + channels to the basolateral membrane , which was inaccessible to the patch pipette .
7 Since they are both high-class batsmen this comes as quite a surprise , but looking through the records one sees that one of them has failed fairly often ; their strength is that when that has happened the other has usually gone on to a big score , thereby relieving the pressure on the middle order .
8 It is sad to report that neither the Transport Department nor the Environment Department ( they made a joint decision in favour of the trench on the grounds of cost ) made any attempt to value Twyford Down , its inhabitants and the enjoyment gained now and in the future from them .
9 Here the ‘ cut and paste ’ method of working was just as easy to use and so the program 's sales began to mushroom .
10 In most countries bank deposits transferred by means of cheques are freely accepted in the discharge of debts and as such constitute as much a part of a country 's money supply as its bank notes .
11 the rules were not to do that , the ships were n't supposed to stop because apparently the submarines sometimes lurked there
12 To its credit , however , it 's initially simpler to use than both the Carvin and the Marshall .
13 And when the sun appeared they all died and then the people who were to be the people of Amantani came from other islands , from peninsulas in the south … ’
14 I mean , we all knew that only the Lorrimores ’ car was behind the dome car .
15 It seems at first quite astonishing to learn that neither the inventory in Jacques 's marriage contract nor that made after death provides any evidence that he was a flute-player or maker ; they seem to contradict the generally held view that he was a maker - a view which is supported by an entry in von Uffenbach 's diary which records a visit he paid Jacques in 1715 : ‘ He [ Jacques ] led me into a tidy room and showed me there many beautiful transverse flutes that he himself makes and from which he wishes to gain special profit . ’
16 As from April 1993 , even more flexibility will be allowed with couples able to choose whether all the tax relief should go to one partner ( husband or wife ) or whether to split it on a 50–50 basis .
17 Nitrite is also extremely poisonous to fish and hence the reason it is very important to check the pond water for the presence of either of these toxins .
18 Well one of the things that I think has been very striking about John Major , and unfortunately again I 'm comparing him with Mrs. Thatcher , but it 's very difficult not to , thank goodness she was n't around during the Gulf war — that 's my feeling — because I do n't think I could have borne the idea of erm any more rejoice and up an atom and things like that .
19 When it was first mooted that maybe a team of Tropical Plants staff would make for good television on Busman 's Holiday , several folk were keen to take part .
20 The survey results tabulated in section 9 of Appendix 1 suggest that even the minority who do try and balance the figures in this way ( that is , the one in five who are at least theoretical ‘ rational choosers ’ ) may sometimes be swayed by an entirely random factor — the order in which they become aware of the various different sets of cost figures .
21 In the top-down approach to indexing , the semantic net is first elaborated and then the paragraphs are indexed .
22 There was approximately thirty pupils attended the school when I first started but now the number has dropped to twenty three children .
23 They will have very much more money available to lend than either the Co-op Bank or Girobank .
24 In the family proceedings court s69(1) of the Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 stipulates that only the following may be present : ( i ) officers of the court ; ( ii ) the parties , their solicitors and counsel , witnesses and others directly concerned in the case ; ( iii ) representatives of the press ; ( iv ) any person given permission by the court , eg trainee social workers , researchers etc .
25 That means that both the nature and the significance of the test must be explained to you beforehand , in a way which you can understand .
26 Firstly , before documents are available which give a general comparison and assessment at one date across an area ( like Domesday Book or a medieval Lay Subsidy ) it is very difficult to know whether all the sites we are comparing as part of our settlement pattern are contemporary .
27 Just aft of the fire a small motorboat was still secured to its davits : it was n't difficult to guess that either the explosion or the fire had rendered it inoperable .
28 The proportion has now soared to two-thirds — DHSS figures for 1982 show that only a minority , 713,700 , exist on the £25 a week unemployment benefit alone — 2,612,000 " top up " with supplementary benefit , and another 1,428,500 depend on supplementary benefit alone .
29 Although the finding of a colorectal stricture in ulcerative colitis very appropriately raised concerns of cancer , all studies including our own indicate that only a minority of these strictures are in fact malignant .
30 They can be more difficult to manage than even the United States Congress .
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