Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [pron] from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As a general approach , this presents a very attractive picture of human beings , but we must not , on the other hand , allow this to distract us from the pressing reality of society as an institutionalised , patterned , constraining system .
2 But in terms of his public image as seen at the time , he had been careful to distance himself from the unpopular anti Jewish terror of the Nazi mobs and had placed himself on the side of legality .
3 While we have examined Oakeshott as a conservative thinker therefore we must be careful to distinguish him from the religious conservatism of Burke and from the mainstream forms of conservatism which Huntington identified in the aristocratic and situational theories as ideological defences of the ancien régime or of established institutions .
4 It appears impossible to detach oneself from the visual analogy sufficiently to criticize it , without finding another to put in its place or balance against it .
5 This cultural change is the second major theme of this book , but it is not easy to separate it from the political story .
6 Would that remove her from the ordinary people ?
7 In the absence of other voices making the same moral argument sufficiently loudly , we should perhaps be grateful to hear it from the very heart of the establishment .
8 The passers by stopped to admire her from the large wrought iron gates at the bottom of the drive .
9 I agreed with Gyggle , only by entering the dreamscape , the hypercast of my hotted-up mind , could I hope to resolve this paradox and once and for all free myself from the malevolent force which I felt had shaped my life .
10 But it is not right for a member of the teaching staff to so present that disciplinary framework that the student is unable to view it from the outside or is discouraged from officering an alternative perspective from another discipline .
11 If that is the underlying proposition , it is important to dissociate it from the unacceptable idea that a person 's acts after loss of self-control should still be measured on an objective scale .
12 This seems to be true in spite of the fact that Spinoza was very much of a generation which was concerned to dissociate itself from the Greek inheritance , and indeed he represents something of a fresh injection of Jewish moral feeling into the main Christian current of Western thought .
13 He then heard my earnest indefatigable prayers and by a train of events the most impossible and unexpected released me from the cruel bondage in which the enemy of my soul had bound me .
14 ‘ If there is a god who is able to save us from the blazing furnace , it is our God whom we serve , and he will save us from your power , O king ; but if not , be it known to your majesty that we will neither serve your god nor worship the golden image that you have set up . ’
15 And she would have little illusion about being able to save anything from the low wages she would receive from any of the available jobs .
16 In deciding whether to begin or continue litigation , one major factor is whether a party will have to pay the costs or be able to recover them from the other party .
17 And not only the tabloids : with the exception of Lord Whitelaw , Tory leaders did little to distance themselves from the racist comments of Sir Nicholas Fairbairn and instead came back with very similar language — from ‘ swamping ’ to ‘ Mongol hordes ’ .
18 I would simply suggest that we should not allow either sentimentality or a genuine concern for retaining decentralized powers in general to distract us from the major , and separate , task of attempting to determine a common policy for all education at all stages in the future .
19 Student demonstrations increased sharply at the end of the decade and although the educated public in general dissociated themselves from the violent means and socialist ends of the revolutionaries , a large section of the press showed scant sympathy for the government .
20 Thus the quarrel between Megara and Corinth , which drove the former to detach herself from the Peloponnesian League in 461 and join Athens , was originally over boundary land .
21 Instead of ‘ saving people from sinking ships ’ , when the Patna , carrying hundreds of Malayan pilgrims on the way to Mecca , strikes a hidden wreck and appears to be sinking , Jim at first dissociates himself from the deplorable trio of captain and officers , when they lower the only boat for their escape ; and then , on an impulse he can never explain , jumps overboard to join them , leaving the passengers , as he believes , to certain death .
22 We in the West try to keep the spiritual and the material together and our minds are confused and jumbled ; the mundane distracting us from the spiritual , and the spiritual distracting us from the mundane .
23 The colours are bright and are called fluorescent to distinguish them from the normal opaque colours in the usual felt-tip pens .
24 We in the West try to keep the spiritual and the material together and our minds are confused and jumbled ; the mundane distracting us from the spiritual , and the spiritual distracting us from the mundane .
25 From Lenin 's use of an ‘ expropriated ’ Rolls-Royce and ‘ socialized ’ imperial palaces and capitalist villas onwards , the People 's representatives had found it necessary to insulate themselves from the daily difficulties of ordinary life .
26 It seemed that Jason was keen to distance himself from the increasing danger of being known as the future Mr Minogue .
27 Yet there were others who clearly did not relish James 's rule , having actively opposed him when King , and who did their best to distance themselves from the Jacobite cause after the Revolution , Archbishop Sancroft being the most famous example .
28 This is not to deny that it is an intelligent reaction , and that the sense of when to trust the analogy between present and former situations is in some individuals very intelligent indeed , but there is nothing in that to distinguish it from the other insights and hunches by which we instantaneously synthesize similarities and differences too fine and complex to be analysed before a change in the situation obliterates them .
29 Their letter enclosed a quite unexpected gift of –100 , a sum more than sufficient to free him from the immediate necessity of hard choices , and a testimony of their faith in his genius .
30 While thus engaged he met a group of Gold Coast traders to whom the British government , eager to disentangle itself from the political strife of the region , was in the process of handing over its installations .
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