Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [prep] the [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The general pattern of pausing in this experiment proved to be very similar to that found in the earlier experiment ; subjects tended to pause at clause boundaries .
2 This occurred during the lower stages of barbarism .
3 The physiological explanation for this resides in the greater affinity of sulphate reducing bacteria for H 2 compared with methanogenic bacteria ( Ks of Desulfovibrio vulgaris , 1 µmol.1 - 1 ; Ks of Methanobrevibacter smithii , 6 µmol.l - 1 ) .
4 This disagrees with the earlier claim by Eddy and Boornazian , but falls within the limits set by theorists ( including Sofia , himself a member of the group headed , alphabetically by Dunham ) on the basis of measurements of the solar constant .
5 The typical population of a metropolitan district is about 250,000 though some based on the larger cities reach 500,000 .
6 Probably this accounts for the greater part of the increase in sede vacante presentations made by the king , but he and his clerks pushed their claims to the limit .
7 We know further that , in view of the properties of the constituent matrices zij , unc When unc is absent , this reverts to the simpler case dealt with under ( i ) .
8 Well it 's easier to recruit at the lower level than it is the upper
9 Will they become backwaters undertaking work which is qualitatively different from that done in the larger centres ?
10 The tough leathery top surface of a mature leaf is not so easy to penetrate as the softer epidermis of the underside , which is why mildew in particular can often be found by turning over leaves that are glossy and apparently quite healthy , even protected by fungicidal deposit , on the top .
11 Situated on the hillside which rises above the port of modern Thessaloniki the Church of the Holy Apostles is not easy to find amidst the poorer districts of the town , but it is well worth the effort of searching .
12 After a dismal 1991 spent in the lower reaches of the table , the revived Reading side have a 100 per cent record from six matches , head the Gold Cup southern section and enter a hectic Easter schedule buoyant .
13 And although the hospitality was superb , we were relieved to move to the warmer climate of Vancouver and Vancouver Island .
14 Why is it much easier for a business person to start a new factory in the area shown in the upper photograph , than in many other parts of the world such as that shown in the lower photograph ?
15 These suffer from the further problem of treating all deprivation as relative and scaling all measures to the same variance ( as is also done for the index of an ‘ area 's social conditions ’ used in the assessment of GRE ) .
16 But in the swordfish these extend onto the lower surface of the ‘ sword ’ .
17 Even if we multiply this by three to allow for the greater number who considered themselves adherents although they had not joined the Society , and then increase the resulting 200,000 to half a million to allow for more casual " hearers " , this is still not a large fraction of a population of 10 million .
18 It worked out electronically that it took a fish finger less time to defrost than a leg of lamb , and when your designer-label , calorie-counted tagliatelle was ready for eating , it told you so with five bleeps rather than the paltry three offered by the cheaper models .
19 Most visitors will be glad to return to the friendlier atmosphere of Glen Garry where , rejoining the A.87 , Invergarry and the Great Glen are soon reached .
20 It is also useful to look at the broader environment of the organisation , because the actions of trade unions , financial institutions , stockholders and the government , for example , as well as customers , suppliers and competitors , can have far-reaching effects on the business .
21 You will find the speeches scattered like jewels throughout the text , but it is perhaps as well to keep to the simpler ones for your audition piece — those where Romeo and Juliet are directly enthralled by love and the declaration of love to another person .
22 The first study concerns the steps whose phosphates resonate at relatively low field , T3pG4 , C6pG7 and C9pA10 , and which show conformations slightly deformed towards the B II state within the dodecamer conformation .
23 Consequently , in accordance with equation ( 11.38 ) , which agrees with the expression for current obtained from the earlier equation ( 4.47 ) .
24 Companies unwilling to move to the older regions had the option of moving to the new towns .
25 He points out that most certified trainees come straight from school and so are cheaper to employ in the earlier stages of their qualification when they are of less use .
26 It is useful to return to the earlier typology of hazards ( Fig. 10.1 ) and to stress the links that might be made between those working on natural hazards and those working in the socio-economic domains .
27 He would n't have been able to cope with the larger trunks .
28 Matrices of transition probabilities such as those given in the earlier examples are useful in that they summarize the behaviour over time of the system under study .
29 The suspension , springs and dampers have to be robust to cope with the greater weight of the diesel engine , which can be up to 250lb , and the greater mileage that a diesel might be expected to cover .
30 If the budget worsens after revenue-yielding tariffs have been reduced , governments may not be able to wait for the longer term trade gains to emerge to replace the lost revenue .
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