Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [prep] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Again , however , there was little to object to in the broad fundamental .
2 Is the environmental assessment to which my hon. Friend referred the same one as that referred to by the hon. Member for Keighley ( Mr. Waller ) who I understood to mean the King 's Cross project , while my hon. Friend was referring to the high-speed link ?
3 What does all this refer to in the third sentence ?
4 The actual sound ambience of this recording is less dry than the sort of sound that Philips is prepared to settle for in the same hall , and it is refreshing to hear Nicholas McGegan 's fine cast of soloists use the hall 's natural resonance to give the distinct impression that they are enjoying themselves and confirming , to one listener at least , that an important part of enjoying oneself is showing off .
5 It is the way that our feelings tell us that they have got too much to cope with at the same time and they need some help — in the jargon this is called needing some ‘ ventilation ’ .
6 The OTO , founded by freemasons , has much to answer for in the last eighty years .
7 Sheffield nail makers purloined wire , while in the Black Country iron , lead and brass were easy to dispose of among the thousands of small forges .
8 Goals via the through ball are always hard to come by at the highest level because of the quality of defenders and the sweeper system .
9 Because these appear at about the same level in adjacent fibrils they give to the whole fibre its characteristic cross-striated appearance .
10 In future , the danger of extreme-right policies is more likely to come from within the victorious mainstream conservative ranks than from outside .
11 The patterns in the hewn rock were evocative , thin traceries of crystal , she imagined , beautiful whorls and arches , as fine to look at as the fine lines on a mother 's face .
12 These darken at around the 14th week of pregnancy and get more prominent .
13 It 's interesting to see what it all looks like in the grand scope of things . ’
14 The problems he encountered , which included the use of authors ’ names ( gender differences , dropped initials , etc. ) , nationality differences in publication rates , the lack of informative titles and so on , were all met with in the present survey also , with similar failures to idenitify uniquely some ‘ problem ’ authors .
15 It may be a coincidence that this affair , the consecration of the church at Assandun , and the introduction of monks at Bury all happened at about the same time .
16 To our surprise and to many people 's relief , they all broke at about the same load , the strength of the wet and the dry ones being very much the same .
17 The strong linear flavour emphasizes , of course , the flatness of the picture plane and this effect is further strengthened by the fact that the entire picture surface is broken down into angular forms of almost equal size , which are all dealt with in the same vigorous technique .
18 The levels of smoking , alcohol consumption , and socioeconomic group , which were all asked for in the patient questionnaire , had no significant effect on control .
19 They were all sniffed at by the uniformed nannies , who wheeled old-fashioned perambulators rather than the canvas collapsibles .
20 In the unlikely event that we fail to provide you with the services as confirmed to you by us at the time of booking or they are not of a reasonable standard , then we accept responsibility whether caused by our employees , agents or suppliers , save that ( i ) we shall not accept responsibility or liability for death , bodily injury or illness caused to you or others named on your booking form , except as set out below and ( ii ) we limit our responsibility or liability in respect of carriage by air , sea or land to that provided for by the relevant international conventions in respect of such carriage .
21 ( b ) We accept responsibility for death , bodily injury or illness caused to your or others named on your booking form by the negligent act or omission of our employees , agents , suppliers or sub-contractors or of their employees or agent acting within the course or scope of their employment ( other than that of air , sea and land carriers performing any domestic internal or international carriage whatsoever where we limit our liability to that provided for by the relevant international conventions in respect of such carriage ) .
22 Just as Marlowe can choose to enter into purely fantastical land of his own making , which caters for his own desires and ignores that which he is unable to cope with in the real world , Marvell can slip into his garden and is free , for a period , from the ball and chain of the world he flees from .
23 Declarations similar to those referred to in the last paragraph have also been made in this context .
24 The Central Junta has a bad reputation ; a clumsy body of thirty-five presided over by the aged Floridablanca , President of the Junta of Murcia , its pretensions as a sovereign body with the title ‘ Majesty ’ were slightly ridiculous .
25 But I mean in the meantime we 're quite happy quite happy carrying with with the silly little letterhead that I 've got cos it says
26 They stayed mainly in the front room where there were rugs on a black-flagged floor that made it wonderfully cool to come into from the burning heat of the headland .
27 Lead was first used at about the same time as copper , though it was seldom used to make artefacts in its own right .
28 And I 've found it harder to cope with in the last two or three years .
29 Cutting down on training , together with a natural apprehension , may make sleep a little harder to come by in the last few days , so staying up an extra hour may actually help .
30 We 're not talking about whole groups of pupils who previously have been in top streams , we 're talking about half a dozen , ten individuals in any one year group and they are equally as difficult to deal with in the streamed situation .
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