Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 As a result , it is possible to see in such groups the collective responses normally associated with shopfloor workers .
2 In addition , it will be possible to chart in these children the emergence of early awareness of the sound structure of words , and to identify the cognitive and social precursors of this phonological awareness .
3 These represent in most instances the crofts or separate paddocks of half an acre to an acre in size which have been hedged around since medieval times .
4 The difficulty is that the assumptions on which it is based are to say the least shaky : the assumptions , namely , that only one vote suffices although more than one candidate is to be elected ; that preferential voting is reliable , even when used in ignorance of all the relevant information and inhibited by the arbitrary exclusion of candidates who might otherwise be successful ; that it is reasonable to grant to some votes the privilege of being transferred , and to lower-preference votes the possibility of exercising greater influence than is warranted by their very definition ; that it is reasonable also to give to all transferred votes the same weighting as to original votes ; and that election by quota is sensible even if the quotas are manifestly make-believe .
5 It is futile to judge by modern standards the Abyssinians ' treatment of their prisoners : theirs were still the standards of the Middle Ages .
6 On the other hand , when ο is small enough to satisfy and putting the integral becomes In spectral terms the first integral corresponds to a narrow line of infinite amplitude centred on zero frequency and it provides the mean level or direct component of the signal over all time , .
7 The company must be able to communicate to potential customers the way in which its product would satisfy their needs , and provide competitive value .
8 ‘ Those extensive powers are conferred upon the court for the beneficial winding up of the company , for sometimes it happens that the liquidator is unable to obtain from unwilling persons the information which he requires .
9 However , given the importance of receiving the information required under the section 39 notice to the Bank 's supervision of the defendant and in order to support the [ defendants ' ] application , I am able to state in broad terms the grounds of the investigation and the reasons for the Bank 's supervisory concern .
10 In September a woman was killed when her vehicle was hit by a train on a level-crossing near Reading and in 1990 , 23 people died and 25 critically injured in 69 level crossing accidents , compared with 14 dead and 33 injured in 60 accidents the previous year .
11 ‘ The writers of the industrial novels were never able to resolve in fictional terms the ideological contradictions inherent in their own situation in society .
12 He was able to convey in grotesque terms the characters of George III and his family .
13 To do this , and to be able to return to all shareholders the full 100p value of their initial investment , the managers must achieve compound growth of 6.8 per cent — a modest target given their plan to invest 80 per cent of the fund in UK blue-chip companies and the fact that the top 20 Footsie stocks last year accounted for 40 per cent of the total income of the FT-all share index .
14 Fortunately , some transracial adopters are able to speak for themselves and are therefore able to correct in some ways the folly of others :
15 When the sewage treatment plant comes into operation in 1998 it will be able to cater for four times the population of Whitby .
16 China , which had sharply criticized Gorbachev after his resignation for having caused " political chaos , ethnic strife and economic crisis " , nevertheless on Dec. 27 recognized as independent states the members of the CIS .
17 Indeed , the first Advertisements Regulation Act of 1907 antedated by two years the first Planning Act .
18 The taxi-drivers waiting on the rank looked knowingly at the racing pages of evening papers folded into quarters , ready to suggest to uncertain fares the addresses of drinking clubs and prostitutes .
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