Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [noun] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 It can be very supportive to meet others in the same situation as yourself .
2 Any assessment of the impact of labour unions requires us to consider not only their influence on the wages and conditions of their members but also how this affects non-members in the same firm and labour in general .
3 An interesting comment from the Arts representative was that ‘ it is financially impossible to train people in the same way they did 5 years ago ’ .
4 The firm has been campaigning since November 1991 to receive results at the same time as the Japanese press — a privilege denied it because it is not a member of the Tokyo Stock Exchange press club , where securities companies post earnings announcements in members ' pigeon-holes .
5 Woodcuts can be mounted with type , because what is to print black stands up from the surface ; so it was easy to put pictures on the same page as descriptions , and herbals and bestiaries were liberally illustrated .
6 It is often less appropriate to involve counsellees to the same extent , and the counsellor may have to take more direct action in their interests , much in the way that any friend would do in similar situations .
7 Steve was doing OK but he was finding it hard to play guitar at the same time as singing .
8 All of these began work in the same week as the first Kindertransporte were given the go-ahead .
9 One puzzling aspect of this notion was that a variety of tyrosine kinases ( receptors and non-receptors ) and possibly other activators , such as certain G-protein-coupled receptors , could all funnel signals into the same , highly conserved recipient , Ras .
10 I think current motor cars will become you know sort of erm boxes all looking sort of the same , nothing outstanding .
11 How can observers moving at different speeds all measure light at the same speed ?
12 The first form talked about it more than any one else , of course they squealed with laughter when they saw the poor Mary Lou Manselle and Gwendoline , all falling victims to the same spider , jolly clever spider said Irene , it means the only three people in the form that it that would be scared of it , I take my hat off to that spider , ca n't think why it chose my desk said Mary Lou , no , that was a shame said Gwendoline , poor Mary Lou it must of been an awful shock for you when you saw it , I wonder who put it there ?
13 In the range £20 — £39 a clear majority of people were taxed on goods , many not owning any land at all , and since personal property at this level was insufficient to confer gentry status , members of the group occupied an intermediate position , lacking on the one hand the landed property necessary for gentlemen ; they were , on the other hand , judged competent to pay tax at the same rate as gentlemen , making them men of undeniable substance in comparison with the rank and file of country folk .
14 They all stood open-mouthed by the same discredited policy , imported wholesale from Germany .
15 ‘ The Queen , the Queen Mother , Prince Charles , Prince Andrew — even Anne and Philip — all have planets in the same area of the zodiac , ’ she says .
16 The only other countries in Western Europe which were able to achieve reductions of the same magnitude were those where the nuclear share of electricity were 50 per cent or more .
17 The people of the neighbourhood dared not indict these malefactors before the Justices of the Forest , ‘ because of their power and malice , and the poor of those parts can not obtain justice for injustice inflicted upon them unless they first make ransom to the same evil-doers ’ .
18 It made her very uneasy having hir in the same building as Ari at such a dangerous and important time .
19 Nizan was only too pleased to attack fascism with the same verve as he had until then been attacking the " evils " of social democracy .
20 Conscience collective is variously translatable as ‘ collective conscience , or ‘ collective consciousness ’ , and means ‘ the totality of beliefs and sentiments common to average members of the same society ’ .
21 For example , a 30 second live report which is due to take place at the same time as Martina Navratilova is about to serve for the match can be both a reporter 's dream and a producer 's nightmare .
22 The doubts of these two people were entirely different , but they were both doubting God for the same reason : they did not know God as he really is .
23 Both have spectra of the same type as the Sun .
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