Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] ' [noun sg] [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 This is because of the limited partnerships ' tax losses while drilling , and the availability of capital allowances .
2 Using the latest computer travel technology they handle all sites ' business travel as well as providing a complete foreign exchange service to BNFL personnel . .
3 I now have 4 years ' teaching experience although I too was thrown in at the deep end — my only advantage over others was that I had studied languages myself and knew how difficult it could be .
4 Silkin explained in a press interview that he had refused to enforce the law against the postal workers ' trade union because he feared that the action would precipitate a postal strike .
5 The MoD denies cash savings caused the move — stressing that the bands charge full Musicians ' Union rates when playing at outside venues and that the money each brings in is placed in a national pot .
6 He would then take over the European Components ' planning activity when everything was centralised in Detroit .
7 Stockholm : Dealers welcomed the rise in other countries ' interest rates as it closes the gap with Sweden 's own high rates , which are unchanged .
8 The firm is also aiming to make available chunks of its technology for inclusion in other companies ' operating systems as the various components of its object environment are completed .
9 The firm is also aiming to make available chunks of its technology for inclusion in other companies ' operating systems as the various components of its object environment are completed .
10 Getting the right balance of ‘ in house ’ provision and ‘ contracted out ’ services will vary from one locality to another and will reflect local authorities ' employment policies as well as the availability of effective local voluntary organizations .
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