Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] who had been [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 She pointed to an 11-year-old girl who had been hovering in the doorway since I arrived .
2 But surgeons at Frenchay Hospital , Bristol , were able to graft his corneas on to the eyes of another youngster who had been going blind .
3 The highest count in the alcohol group was 14.8% in a chronic alcoholic aged 49 years who had been drinking heavily since the age of 15 years .
4 Eventually an old gentleman who had been listening with much amusement to their discussion said that what mattered was not whether the earthworm has an immortal soul but whether it has a purpose .
5 The researchers identified 167 people who had been attending for a year or more .
6 There would always have been a few men who had been dancing barechested all the evening , dancing with the fierce attention of the tango , or the apache ; these were the ones who stayed on late .
7 The rooms provided were far too small for the thousands of English scholars who were crammed into them , and the originally excessive numbers were heavily augmented by gate-crashing French students who had been hanging around the fringes of the course all week trying to pick up girls at the Lycée doors .
8 She was born in Smyrna , a member of a British family who had been trading in Turkey for over 130 years .
9 Woolton took on to his staff a small group of civil servants who had been working out the implications of the Beveridge report , and also the Uthwatt report on land values .
10 A STABLE lad who had been drinking all day took a colleague 's car and smashed it through a wall .
11 They had been called out to a little boy who had been playing behind the family car when his father had reversed it out of the garage .
12 Grundy , 35 , of Sprotborough , Doncaster — a promising policeman who had been acting sergeant and passed his inspector 's exams — admitted theft and was jailed for a year .
13 Shorter and his lieutenants were wary of a trap and had watched the forest lodge near Caesar 's Camp for several hours before finally making their rendezvous with Baptist Nunn but , as they entered the building , they were surrounded by a dozen officers who had been lying doggo nearby for many hours .
14 Three patients who had been receiving specialist care were back in ordinary wards last night after the unit closed .
15 It was the woman with sun-browned arms and the white dress who had been dancing .
16 The first-class passengers on my train were mainly elderly Australian couples who had been visiting relatives .
17 The action occurred after Palestinians had attempted to prevent the soldiers arresting three men who had been painting slogans on a wall .
18 It was an elderly gypsy who had been sitting silently all evening , and the voice was as rough as the open road but when it sang the room became quiet .
19 Three Swedish engineers who had been working in Kuwait received seven-year sentences on Sept. 20 after also being accused of illegal entry .
20 Another recent item in he BMJ ( vol 284 , p 791 ) , for example , concerned an unhappy lady who had been drinking Dettol for at least 10 years in order to ‘ purify ’ herself .
21 The people who would fly a Virgin airline were the same young , mobile , relatively affluent people who had been buying records by Virgin artists in Virgin record stores for years .
22 She welcomed the work done and the fact that so many people who had been waiting for so long had been treated , but was concerned that health workers who had been working flat out to reduce the lists would not be able to maintain their work rate .
23 Fran 's voice rose to a shrill scream , and the elderly woman who had been watching them curiously stopped .
24 An elderly woman who had been missing and feared dead is recovering in hospital after a helicopter search found her .
25 One of many photographers who had been lurking among the azaleas seemed to take hope at the sight of such an obviously affectionate couple and presented himself before them .
26 It quoted an Austrian-based Romanian doctor who had been visiting relatives as saying : ‘ The first three rows of protesters collapsed dead or injured .
27 A MENTAL patient who had been missing for 24 hours from a hospital had to be rescued from a cow slurry pit .
28 A MENTAL patient who had been missing for 24 hours from a hospital was up to his neck in cow slurry when found .
29 On the way back to the Hankses ' cottage with Anna , Seb and the navvies met one of the gipsy women who had been enquiring after the missing girl in the village .
30 Dr Henry Sacheverell was a High Anglican cleric who had been delivering violent attacks on Dissenters , occasional conformists and Low Churchmen for several years .
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