Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] could [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Even the wealthy New York Jewish financiers , the Guggenheims , Kuhns , Sachs , Seligmanns and Lehmanns , who had all that money could buy in the United States , which was very nearly everything , were not yet Americans in the way in which the Wertheimsteins in Vienna considered themselves Austrian , the Bleichroeders in Berlin Prussians , even the international Rothschilds in London and Paris , English and French .
2 While the difference appeared small , the gap represented an assessment of the support each side could command in the transitional body .
3 Where they did not , different rules could apply within the EC and EFTA .
4 In Spring Fever , he takes a look at what climatic change could mean for the flora and fauna of the British mainland .
5 Finally , in rejecting the submission that relaxing the exclusionary rule could amount to the courts questioning proceedings in Parliament contrary to Article 9 of the Bill of Rights , Lord Browne-Wilkinson observed that ‘ the purpose of looking at Hansard could not be to construe the words used by the minister but to give effect to the words used so long as they are clear ’ .
6 Axelrod and Hamilton point out that reciprocal altruism could evolve without the need for individual recognition in a sessile organism ; in principle , it could evolve in a plant .
7 A soluble form of this protein could bind to the virus and prevent it from binding to human T cells .
8 Or he could sell most of his land to Mr Big and his house and a few acres could fall into the hands of a merchant banker who wants somewhere quiet with a paddock for the daughter 's ponies .
9 I am tempted to quote Oliver Cromwell and to ask whether the hon. Lady could conceive of the possibility that she might be wrong .
10 This pointer could refer to the actual address , for example , the cylinder , track and head number on a disk .
11 All are agreed , however , that it is the nature of the ‘ matter ’ which is important , and it was recognised early in the history of the Hague Conventions on Civil Procedure that some civil or commercial matters could arise in the context of an administrative jurisdiction .
12 When a patient is detained under the MHA 1983 , but the physical disorder is not caused by or is not itself the cause of a mental disorder , a restrictive interpretation of this proposal could lead to the ridiculous scenario of doctors having to wait for such a patient to deteriorate or become unconscious before medical treatment could be initiated under the protection of common law duty of care and the doctrine of necessity .
13 An able and strong-minded intendant could enjoy during the last decade of the ancien régime a remarkable degree of autonomy and independent initiative .
14 Depending on the assumptions applied this process could lead to the subduction of several hundreds of kilometres of continental crust ; more likely , however , is rather more limited subduction , but even this could involve the complete consumption of peninsulas and microcontinents .
15 Nieuport fighter in the spring of 1916 , at Verdun , that the French pilots could compete with the Germans on anything like equal terms .
16 The amount of hot air likely to be generated over the 12 days could trigger off the kind of chain reaction that global warming scientists only refer to in hushed tones .
17 If only this day could last for the rest of her life .
18 This conflict could lie behind the events that occur around the time of the full moons of March 8 and September 1 and the eclipses of May 21 , June 4 and November 29 .
19 The danger here is that this ballooning could cut off the emergency cooling water altogether .
20 The lesser aristocracy in the south concentrated in ‘ noble ’ towns like Ronda or Baeza where their social life could centre on the local horse-breeding club , the Maestranza .
21 There was , in truth , little initiative that any British government could offer in the unpromising circumstances of 1977–8 .
22 However , one suggestion is that acquired human retroviruses ( such as HIV ) might act as superantigens , and that this property could contribute to the T-cell abnormalities they produce .
23 A further cause could result from the exchange of gas in and out of the bladder .
24 He asked members to support the motion so that the Attorney General as a member of the Government and as leader of this profession could convey to the Government our sense of disgust at the way we had been treated for so long ( sustained applause ) .
25 For example , if a person is being asked about her educational background one interviewer could encourage her to talk about the criticisms she could offer of it , while another interviewer could concentrate on the benefits she received from it .
26 Prior to 10 April , 1988 , a young person in this situation could apply to the Department of Health and Social Security , as it then was , for a single payment grant for essential items of furniture .
27 A monarch who behaved in this way could rely on the support of many of the leading intellectuals of the age , however despotic his power .
28 The US Defence Secretary , Dick Cheney , said on Oct. 13 , 1989 , that the technology had placed an effective anti-missile system within US reach and described it as " the single most important military bequest this generation could make to the future " .
29 Cyclone now have approval to rebuild and service the aircraft and Bill Sherlock is strongly optimistic that full-scale production could resume within the next few months .
30 There was no way this tank could get through the trapdoor into the attic .
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