Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] she have been [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 She guessed it would be Nicky Kai , eager to hear her singing the praises of her beloved island once more , and she might be willing to stay and share the light supper she had been planning for herself as it was Sunday , the one evening of the week on which Florian might occasionally make a concession to the fact of his breakfast show slot and retire soon after dark .
2 ‘ I thought that — wondered if it was — suicide because of this man she 'd been seeing , ’ Merrill said in a small voice .
3 And although Gramps had left her enough money for just this purpose she 'd been hoping to live cheaply so that she could stay in Ireland for at least a month , see as much of the country as she could .
4 All this time she had been imagining him pacing the terrace at Rocamar .
5 She glanced at the automatic camera attached to her wrist ; all this time she had been clutching it without giving it a thought .
6 On the day when Katherine came home to find the easel her father had given her collapsed on the floor and the careful copy she had been making of Vermeer 's ‘ Girl with a Mandolin' splattered with red paint , she made her decision .
7 At one point the mistress of disguise demonstrated to her co-accused how the ginger wig she had been wearing when they were stopped by police , fell off as she adjusted her hat .
8 In the eight years she 's been showing the plants she 's won hundreds of awards .
9 She could remember Hamlet and the dates of important battles in the Revolutionary War and the names of Disney 's Seven Dwarfs and the telephone numbers of old boyfriends and the faces of people she had known in college but not seen in years and the deadlines for the three pieces she had been working on …
10 It was hard to believe that this generously smiling woman was the same predatory creature she 'd been watching just a moment ago — but the image she had seen was seared in her brain , and suddenly she knew there was no way in the world that she could allow this woman to be a mother to Kirsty .
11 But last night a source close to Jagger said : ‘ All that stuff she has been saying about hardly knowing him is rubbish .
12 Somehow she managed to take a proper breath , not the little shallow gasps she had been giving up to now .
13 All afternoon she had been waiting for evidence of the racing rumour-machine at work .
14 By the end of the " thirties , Aunt Tossie wondered for how many years she had been paying for interesting yearlings , and with very uninteresting results .
15 It was too mortifying for words , and it intensified the vulnerable feeling she 'd been experiencing around Guy Sterne .
16 All morning she had been watching low-slung , sharp-nosed cars complete several circuits , then draw into the pits to be set upon by swarms of mechanics and subjected to intensive fine-tuning .
17 All season she had been getting more and more angry with herself when she played badly and there were times , when she was at her most frustrated , that she would savagely scratch the skin from her forehead .
18 He dragged the 18-year-old girl to a nearby common and forced her into humiliating sex acts for more than an hour while the three-month-old baby she had been caring for lay alone in the house .
19 All their married life she had been living a lie .
20 He was probably quite old , then , Lindsey thought , busily fitting pieces into the mental jigsaw she had been trying to build up of her new boss .
21 I 'm sorry , ’ he repeated , and the smile he gave her was so gentle that the angry words she had been going to utter died , locked somewhere in her throat .
22 She opened a small peacock-blue fan she had been holding and began to fan herself .
23 While fashion magazines announce that longer skirts are in style , the princess has again appeared in the multi-coloured striped skirt she has been wearing for more than a year .
24 Heaven knew she 'd been the subject of enough prurient curiosity in the few short weeks she 'd been running the club .
25 She had had fewer than a dozen poems published in magazines — usually small , regional ones — during the twenty-five years she had been writing .
26 For the past ten years she has been teaching part time at Roedean and between 1987–9 she completed a part time M.A. at Sussex University in Northern Renaissance Studies .
27 Blindly she moved back to her desk again , to the neat pages she had been stacking when Rob had come into the room .
28 It was a phrase from the very page she had been reading .
29 Close behind him followed Alain Lemarchand , looking more suspicious than intrigued , and Glyn said the very thing she had been praying for .
30 " She 'll part with one of those diamonds she 's been clinging to . "
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