Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] for the [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is clear that in both Australia and New Zealand there is a continuing ferment arising from conflicting support for the old or the new .
2 ‘ It 's a devastating blow for the stable and the owner , ’ said Fanshawe .
3 He would have been able to make ample provision for the future whether or not he survived .
4 No minor of whatever age has power by refusing consent to treatment to override a consent to treatment by someone who has parental responsibility for the minor and a fortiori a consent by the court .
5 B H Payne , Headmaster of the Cambrian Institution for the Deaf and Dumb in Swansea and one of the founder-members , replied with a long letter in the next issue .
6 This Partnership will be charged with drawing up specific goals for the Compact and planning a structure to implement their achievement .
7 It remains for us to consider the macro-economic case for the widespread and general adoption of the industrial co-operative form .
8 The macro-economic case for the widespread and general adoption of the industrial co-operative form is that it is just such another structure ; that the structural change lies in making labour the employer of capital rather than , as at present capital the employer of labour ; that such a change would fuse the interests of ownership and labour , interests which so long as they remain separate must also remain ultimately opposed ; and that , because relations among co-operatives and between producers and providers on the one hand , and consumers and users on the other would be determined by the operation of a free competitive market , the workers in each co-operative will be exposed to its imperative discipline .
9 So very different policies for the old and new liberated areas .
10 When Hitler invaded Russia in June 1941 and the war , for communists , abruptly changed its character , there was at least the prospect — in principle at least — of enhanced support for the revolutionary and patriotic cause in Vietnam ; but until Russia had withstood the German onslaught this in practical terms meant nothing .
11 While this took different forms for the Asian and white women involved , nonetheless for all it was the only real economic option .
12 If , as seems probable , most teachers will sort out their pupils into the high and the low fliers at a fairly early stage , and if there is a whole separate set of papers in some subjects for the high and the low , then the difference between the higher grades of GCSE and O levels will not turn out to be very great .
13 It changes the taste of food to the extent that some dishes no longer appear to have any connection with their oil-less counterparts : a fresh sardine , for example , is quite different from one which has been transformed by being preserved in oil ( a point implied by the existence in the Czech language of two quite different words for the fresh and the oil varieties : a sardine in oil is called olejovka , from olej=oil ) .
14 But experience shows that language — and , particularly , language adopted or concurred in under the pressure of a tight Parliamentary timetable — is not always a reliable vehicle for the complete or accurate translation of legislative intention ; and I have been persuaded , for the reasons so cogently deployed in the speech of my noble and learned friend , that the circumstances of this case demonstrate that there is both the room and the necessity for a limited relaxation of the previously well-settled rule which excludes reference to Parliamentary history as an aid to statutory construction .
15 As it sweeps on , through Greece and Rome , dark ages and renaissance , world empire and industrial revolution , towards this present century of war and destruction , it succeeds in suggesting that , against all the odds , there may still be some basis for the political and economic union now intensively , if fractiously , under discussion .
16 Transport Studies : Transport systems planning and evaluation ; Development and application of expert systems in multi-modal transport ; Vehicle routing and navigation ; Discrete event studies within multi-modal transport ; Cost benefit analysis particularly in conjunction with road transport ; Cellular radio and freight distribution ; Integration of para-transit and public transport ; Community and public transport for the handicapped and elderly ; Socio-economic evaluation of road proposals ; Transport network analysis with respect to the Channel Tunnel ; Peripherality and the Single European Market ; Rural and urban accessibility studies of public transport ; Freight origin/destination patterns ; Modern urban transport technology assessment studies ; Co-ordinated public transport planning ; Personal mobility with particular emphasis on disabled people .
17 If Dr Runcie sees self-interest , self-righteousness and an intolerant and uncharitable disregard for the unsuccessful and the unemployed , it is not merely his right but his duty to speak out .
18 Retailing employment has been a traditional refuge for those workers most exposed to redundancy in other sectors , and as such higher consumer prices ‘ provides a form of social security for the retired and unemployed ’ ( Hills 1983 p.65 ) .
19 Moreover , there is little seismic evidence for the intermediate and deep earthquakes below the Himalayas that would be expected if active subduction is , in fact , occurring .
20 Dr Mann 's central theme was the ability of humanity to use scientific knowledge for the good or the bad of his fellow man .
21 It 's all part of a commitment by Central to subtitle as many programmes as possible and has been welcomed by campaigners for an improved service for the deaf and hard of hearing .
22 The weekly paper for the young and independent , published today , asked 500 12 to 15-year-olds how happy they were at home and 79 per cent said they did not want to leave before the age of 18 .
23 She had thought the quantities of gilt ( never did she credit that it might be real gold ) an evidence of shocking vulgarity , had sneered at the bad taste of the ornate picture frames , at the ridiculous excesses of the pictures themselves , and had felt a solid , suburban scorn for the frayed and patched tapestry chair seats and the faded hangings : she had wondered why , if so rich , they did not throw out their tatty Persian coverings , and buy themselves a good bit of fitted Wilton or Axminster in a good plain colour .
24 The state of goth — as catch-all historical movement for the too-ugly and the too-grim and as a modern phenom — is given little credence by UK Decay , the ridiculous Virgin Prunes , the talentless and misguided Christian Death , The Neff 's rubbish psychobilly and the new blood 's slavering adherence to the Sisters Of Mercy songbook ( eg Rosetta Stone , James Ray , Nosferatu ) .
25 The nineteenth century brought a new kind of search for the basis and foundation of theology itself ; a fresh attempt to bring human awareness and experience into the centre of theological study ; the forging of more specialised techniques for the literary and historical study of the Bible , techniques whose application helped to raise what were often felt to be disturbing and challenging questions about its meaning and relevance as well as about the standing and authority of established Christian doctrines ; and the sharp new question whether Christian theology itself ought not to be subsumed under some more general study of religion and religions .
26 There was a particularly high demand for the dental and ophthalmic services which had not been included in many of the pre-war insurance schemes .
27 And what more propitious names for the devout and hopeful parents than those of the chief servant of the father of the People and the great rebuilder of Jerusalem !
28 The difference grows as numbers increase ; with anything over 1000 enquiries all the cylinders would be likely to be referenced , thus giving a time of 20 × 10 ms or 2 seconds for the batched and sorted input , and 2000 × 30 ms or 60 seconds for the unsorted input .
29 Tony Reynolds runs British Motorsports for the Disabled and was planning to keep him company on the journey .
30 The detailed information for the National and Regional schools is attached in Appendices I and II respectively .
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