Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] it [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It was urged into the air again , kicking out with its back legs , seeming to hang there motionless , and then on hind legs it walked several steps forwards .
2 On the other hand , like any moulded surface of this type it has fat needles , rather than the brush-type filaments of a normal plastic slope .
3 So many cities enrolled him as a freeman , usually by giving him a scroll of membership in a gold box , that Horace Walpole summed up his popularity in the phrase ‘ For some weeks it rained gold boxes ’ , and the more prosaic Duke of Newcastle recognized that no government could survive if Pitt opposed it .
4 But some people it took three weeks to do I do n't know how the hell it did that , and I did n't even know
5 In a broader sense it includes all relatives living together or accepted as a family , including adopted persons .
6 With higher after-tax wages it takes fewer hours to earn any given target income .
7 Its aim is to bring the machine to the market by late 1993 , and in order to achieve this goal it needs additional engineers .
8 In 792 the Saxons revolted yet again ; this time it took two years of campaigning to suppress the Eastphalians and Nordalbingians involved .
9 But this time it took fewer repeats before the horse calmed and stopped .
10 In the spirit of affability , may I congratulate the Government on one of the changes that they made some time ago , in which they followed fairly accurately the views expressed in early-day motion 488 , which noted that when ’ the Social Fund cold weather payments scheme trigger mechanism was put to a serious test it collapsed three times under the weight of its own absurdity the scheme is inadequate , inefficiently targeted and wasteful as the cost of advertising and administration are unjustifiably high ; and urges a new saving limit of £3,000 that would create a fully automatic scheme ’ .
11 In her early years it met three days a week , but in the final decades was meeting on six or seven .
12 In the early twentieth-century it had two churches , one shop , no omnibus or train service , no gas or water supply and no electricity ( the Rectory had a private generator ) .
13 To help it in these roles it has two seats on Council which is the top executive body of the University .
14 By the time it is four days old , it is as heavy as one of its parents ; after three weeks it weighs four times as much as they do , and dwarfs them both .
15 From these figures it monitored key ratios which indicated the capital adequacy , liquidity and degree of risk for each firm .
16 But in an increasingly urbanized society it took new forms more apparent to political opinion and more threatening to life and industry ; and there were very many more large populous areas devoid of the most elementary arrangements for disposing of waste or supplying pure water .
17 Six months later in the municipal elections it fought eight seats in five London boroughs .
18 A good hotel to stay at : apart from the excellence of its discreet service it had two exits .
19 In many ways it has considerable weaknesses .
20 For the short term it sees patchy signs of improvement and no speedy recovery .
21 In addition to twenty-five cabins it had three bars , a dining room which measured fifteen by fifty feet , a lounge with a baby grand piano , a writing room , library and sick bay .
22 At a superficial level it produces incompatible definitions so that , despite their having the word in common , Thompson and Anderson use ‘ class ’ in different ways .
23 Right , so you fix them just as quickly as you can fix them , but if that takes nine months it takes nine months , that 's one of the views you can take on it .
24 At one point it boasted 13 members who were admirals — not many clubs in the world can stage an annual match called Admirals v The Rest .
25 A future bishop , Launcelot Fleming , went to the lectures and was enthralled ; but the class ran a sweepstake ; if Hoskyns said theme it scored one mark , if he said ultimate theme it scored ten marks .
26 Birthplace of the Industrial Revolution it boasts award-winning museums , heritage sites and first-class accommodation in beautiful Shropshire countryside .
27 The pace of change was desultory , and the district only began work on contracting under the impetus of the neighbouring district it provided acute services for .
28 For higher speeds the load angle d increases until at the highest speeds it approaches 90 degrees .
29 The only , the only thing it has short days
30 The reason : The provincial government paid Mount Providence , operated by Roman Catholic nuns , 75 Canadian cents a day each for the care of orphans — for mentally retarded children it paid 2.75 dollars .
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