Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] or [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If you receive payment for looking after one or more children who are not related to you , for 2 hours or more per day , then you should , by law , register with your local Social Services Department .
2 Membership is automatic if you are at least 16 years old and work for 30 hours or more per week .
3 But can you think of anybody for yourself who you could think of who over the recently or over the in the past few centuries or closer to home have shown the gifts of the Holy Spirit in their lives ?
4 ‘ While tragic in any circumstances , property repossessions were at a very low level , representing only 0.25pc of mortgages outstanding , and the year end not one mortgage was 12 months or more in arrear , ’ said Mr Wood .
5 ‘ Whilst tragic in any circumstances , property repossessions were at a very low level , representing only 0.25 per cent of mortgages outstanding , and at the year end not one mortgage was 12 months or more in arrear .
6 At 31 January , 1993 , the number of mortgages where payments were 12 months or more in arrears had risen 24 per cent to 22,486 , representing 0.51 per cent of mortgage balances .
7 Britain 's local councils charge £6-10 a ton to put solid waste in landfills : a price , say the commercial firms , that does not reflect capital investment or the sums that must be et aside to ensure a landfill is properly maintained during its 30 years or so of life .
8 It undoubtedly appears from this report that , among other factors , decision making in risk management is not consistent across different banks or even within banks ; bank managers give a disproportionate attention to the small business 's founders ' ability to provide security for a loan when assessing risk ; and , although the business plan to recruit a director to handle IT issues was crucial to the company 's success , most of the bank managers interviewed paid scant attention to that factor .
9 Since the abolition of direct imprisonment for debts not exceeding £20 , the Insolvent Debtors Court and , after its abolition , the Bankruptcy Court in London and the county courts in the provinces , had possessed the power of imprisonment for forty days or less upon proof of means to pay or fraud .
10 To accommodate it on the upflow tube we 've had to trim off another inch or so of piping with the hacksaw .
11 Many would regularly ‘ pop their ticker ’ — pawn the watch they may have bought for five pounds , on which they may have raised forty pounds or more in loans , as Melanie Tebbutt showed in Making Ends Meet ( 1983 ) .
12 Amid the stark , and in places green-hued contours of the half mile or so of cliff and tumbled boulders that is Froggatt , there exists a wealth of entertaining and varied climbing .
13 According to these data , for instance , from the aspect of the viability of the fetus , it is better to have a second child at ages 30–34 than a first child at this age or even at age 24–29 years .
14 Like dissolves , slow motion can be useful for scenes of sexual love or simply for lovers ' meetings — a usage now long derided , though , and so no longer even parodied , after its long descent through so many TV commercials .
15 Conversely , reputable composers became more interested in popular music , the tunes of which they preserved in keyboard or lute arrangements and as themes for instrumental variation or even for Masses .
16 Leave another yard or so of rope above the bottle .
17 current storage location of the module version ; that is online LIFESPAN storage , LIFESPAN offline system or only in LIFESPAN hard copy system .
18 This produces rain 130 times more acidic than vinegar , not to mention 20 tonnes of solid unprocessed waste which is then dumped on nearby land or directly into rivers .
19 6.1 As respects all information as is directly or indirectly communicated to it by another Party ( hereinafter called the supplying Party ) under the terms of this Agreement or otherwise in connection with the Project ( including technical information or otherwise relating in any manner to the business or affairs of such other Party ) the recipient Party hereby undertakes to the supplying Party that it will until five years after Completion or abandonment of the Project treat the same as ( and use all reasonable endeavours to procure that the same be kept ) confidential and will not disclose the same to any other person without prior written consent of such other Party in each case except to the extent that it is reasonably necessary in or for the purposes of the exercise of the rights and licences granted to it pursuant to this Agreement .
20 8.7 In the event that any proceedings are brought against other than in the circumstances described in clause 8.5 ( and including , but not limited to , those arising out of any acts or omissions of in its exercise of its rights under this Agreement or otherwise in connection with alleged defects in the Licensed Products ) , will at 's option either give all assistance reasonably required by in connection with such proceedings or take over their conduct .
21 Meanwhile make gravy by stirring flour into 2 tbs or so of pan juices over heat , with mushrooms still in pan .
22 White worm thrive on small pieces of bread or rice crispies soaked in sweetened milk or even on porridge .
23 Central bodies were not to negotiate on the transfer of facilities to Lithuanian jurisdiction ( on March 13 the Lithuanian Supreme Council had passed a bill establishing the principle of Lithuanian jurisdiction over all economic facilities in the republic currently held solely by the USSR central authorities or jointly with Lithuania ) .
24 ‘ The Society also looks at the loans that are six months or more in arrears but have not been taken into possession , and adds a percentage of such arrears to the specific provision figure .
25 She also questions the usefulness of looking only at those who are six months or more in arrears .
26 Preparations for pregnancy can begin six months or more before conception with a healthy diet — plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables , preferably organically grown and as few chemicals in the form of food additives as is possible .
27 It may be on one of the islands that surround the Antarctic continent or perhaps in Patagonia on the South American mainland .
28 THE retinal fovea , which corresponds to the central degree or so of vision , is spatially over-represented in the visual cortex .
29 This drop is largely irrelevant because the long incubation period of 10 years or more between HIV-1 infection and AIDS onset results in a complex relation between the time of HIV-1 infection diagnosis and AIDS incubation period .
30 An extra 150mm or so of handle length meant that even our taller testers were able to work comfortably .
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