Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] at [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although there is no necessary logical inconsistency between generality and complexity , in the British case at least the results of macroeconomic policies have not been impressive .
2 But in the present case it was time to take a stand , to declare once and for all that on this occasion at least the truth was as obvious and evident as it appeared to be .
3 On this occasion at least the KGB were more efficient than the CIA .
4 It is widely assumed that the Bundesbank council will effect a 50 basic points cut in official rates at either the meeting this Thursday or on 1 April .
5 In effect it was a simple slap at both the school system and the way in which the system actually provokes bullying from pupils or teachers .
6 It was n't all that much help , anyway , as far as tracing the kidnappers was concerned , but it did mean that on that point at least the Nilsen girl was telling the truth .
7 Easy to see what effect sudden nausea at even the thought of the big glass would have on a life lived in this way .
8 American and British firms built fat integrated bureaucracies at just the time when Japanese firms were arriving in international competition with their lean , mean communities of interest .
9 This gives rise to the conventional neoclassical objection to all models of this sort , namely , that the concept of a target real wage rate is ad hoc , arbitrary and not grounded in the rational calculus of profit and utility maximization which should be the starting-point of all economic enquiry at both the micro and the macro levels .
10 The government laid down extensive amendments at both the Committee and Third Reading stages of the Bill , such that one MP considered that there had been a ‘ complete rewriting of the whole Bill ’ and another that it ‘ has become virtually a Government Bill ’
11 He had been taken to the fourth floor at exactly the time of his appointment .
12 Nina had already commented favourably on it , throwing pointed looks at both the Health and Beauty desk and the disordered alcove from which Fashion operated .
13 In one case at least the costs have already been taxed .
14 As was so often the case with railway stations , these facilities were reaching their highest point at just the time when immigration — like the passenger statistics themselves — was about to take a steep downturn .
15 And on one occasion at least the deputies themselves had to pronounce on a crucial compromise resolution whose text had not even been distributed .
16 For one thing at least the Scots enjoyed a generally high reputation : they were hardy and courageous fighters .
17 ‘ I still think the great moments in acting are when a theatre audience lets out a big laugh at just the point when you want them to laugh — or when you can hear a pin drop because you 've got them totally captivated in the drama . ’
18 The clear lesson of the history of modernism is that the academic left is quite capable of fashioning a central instrument for the reproduction of the interests of the dominant class at precisely the moment when it is making the most strident claims to the contrary .
19 In Rangoon contemporary and colonial Burma continue to co-exist decades after the British departure and it 's here that you will spend your first two nights at either the Inya Lake or Strand Hotel .
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