Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] be [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They articulate the service conception of the function of authorities , that is , the view that their role and primary normal function is to serve the governed .
2 The second commonly used technique is to provide an independent or global overflow area which is used to store records added to any part of the file .
3 Under the present conditions of economic recession , regional policies are fighting a losing battle .
4 A couple of weeks ago a dear sister was helping a sick brother in our fellowship , by doing his washing .
5 Well the money that we raised from there and also from another one was about three thousand nearly four thousand three thousand something and we presented er Tommy Cooper with the cheque on the Prince , the stage of the Prince of Wales Theatre , but that cheque was to buy a special ambulance for the children of Upshire , which is the home of the disabled and this special coach had erm places where you could wheel the children into the coach in their chairs with the clamps and those children that could be taken out of their chairs and put on seats put and had their belts put around them and that was the only way that these children were able to get out !
6 It had approved Jean Monnet 's proposal for a Commissariat Général au Plan , the institution whose economic plans were to play an important role in France 's postwar modernization .
7 Each isotope is given a different number .
8 So far as the housekeeping was concerned , Leopold had to admit that Constanze was doing a good job , and seemed to be extremely economical .
9 With Ilford XP2 , the professional user is offered a high speed film which will benefit from the tight quality control of negative processing available through a professionally monitored C41 process .
10 But if Mosley 's practical search for radical economic policies was to provide a meaningful response to solve the problems of inter-war Britain , both Chesterton and Williamson survived by developing the higher metaphysical values derived from aesthetic appreciation of literature .
11 The European Parliament is given a formal role in the process of making Community law along with the Commission and Council of Ministers .
12 Europe 's laudable ambition also to become a gleaming citadel of environmental protection ( for which the European Parliament was calling the other day ) may have the same effect .
13 The Great Western , whose rich agricultural heartland was providing an increasing volume of the capital 's milk , opened a special milk halt at Wootton Bassett in Wiltshire and constructed special milk platforms at Paddington , the first in 1881 .
14 The fact is , however , that OW was given a supervised work training placement , helping care workers in a centre for the mentally handicapped for two days a week .
15 Each practitioner was sent a personalised , handwritten critique of their management together with copies of published guidelines and the remainder of the distance learning package .
16 They said that at , someone from third year last year er , she said that Professor is having an extra lecture you know , telling what 's on the exam those things .
17 As each dot is required the respective element is rapidly heated and the minute area of paper under the element changes colour .
18 The factor that governs all cutlery sales is its cost and Young of The Direct Tableware Company warns that big Korean manufacturers are increasing the minimum orders from importers .
19 Each department was set a minimum target of 52 per cent women and 10 per cent ethnic minorities .
20 Likewise , the dictator of Asturias 's The President is identified not only with Satan but with Tohil , the Maya Quiché deity who demanded human sacrifice , the effect of that association being to present the Central-American political despot as a modern incarnation of an ancestral tradition .
21 In some cases such multiple choice items form attitude scales in which each alternative is given a numerical weighting so that a set of such items can be cumulated to give the respondent an overall score on the scale .
22 When employees ' share schemes first came to be introduced here , the normal practice was to create a special class of shares with restricted rights regarding , in particular , votes and transferability ; only in relation to share option schemes , designed as incentive to top management , were ordinary voting equity shares on offer .
23 We can say that the problem being defined here is not so much that the pupils are getting the wrong education ( though they might be getting the wrong teachers ) as that industry is getting the wrong pupils !
24 Baden Powell in his Scouting for Boys , published in 1908 , suggests that professional football was betraying the British traditions of ‘ fair play ’ and sportsmanship :
25 In this respect if in no other the concept of the family as a more or less stable institution is becoming an impossible one .
26 Political pundits are keeping a close eye on the sticky survey .
27 The British response was to blockade the main French fleet in Brest , and all through the summer the Channel Fleet under Hawke stayed at sea waiting for the French to come out .
28 It appears that German states are opposing a VAT-like tax on in an inconsistent way , aggravated , aggravated by a failure to warn of any increase in the tax in January nineteen ninety three .
29 To tell the truth , my favourite bit is having a hot shower afterwards .
30 The purpose of a book of this kind is to distil the essential from modern specialised scholarship and to present the whole in some recognisable form .
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