Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] and at [art] same " in BNC.

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1 In this study we present a series of equipment that facilitates the handling of 32 P and at the same time protects the hands of the operator .
2 In rebuilding , the aim was to reduce the width of such turnings into residential areas and at the same time to achieve an optical signal that the restraint area had begun .
3 This increases oxygen to the painful areas and at the same time removes the stagnant toxic wastes such as lactic and carbonic acids which build up in the muscle fibres .
4 He was doing three tasks at once : checking the statements of witnesses in a report being prepared for the Public Prosecutor and at the same time turning over the photographs and diagrams of the house in Church Row which the SOCO had put together .
5 Barman Mike Wheeler slipped whilst attempting to catch the picture , badly slashing his wrist on the broken glass and at the same time dropping his lighted cigarette into a box of Buxtons Tripe and Strawberry Flavoured Crisps .
6 He said : ‘ I went to the island of Kos with some mates and at the same time as I was being ill some of my mates were having headaches and feeling ill .
7 The Legion was formed on 10 March 1831 by royal decree of Prince Louis-Philippe , who saw it as a good way of clearing Paris of undesirable elements and at the same time providing free labour to defend and build France 's new colonial empire .
8 She made a frantic gesture with the sharpened blades and at the same moment Rourke went into action .
9 The arrangement makes possible a more intensive personal service and at the same time stimulates it . ’
10 The Democratic Unionist Party is in the curious position of being dominated by evangelicals and hence being more favourable to temperance and sabbatarianism than the Official Unionists and at the same time being better supported than the Officials by working-class loyalists who are not known for their piety and who are prepared to support acts of criminal violence .
11 Place fingertips on the larynx whilst you hum and feel the tingling on your lips , and count up to ten or say a simple phrase in your loudest voice and at the same time concentrate on the feeling on the finger tips .
12 In September 1991 , Bernhard flew his small aircraft along , and videoed , the exact route and at the same altitude that W1048 had flown when she attacked the Tirpitz in 1942 .
13 Students wishing to apply for a loan should request an Eligibility Questionnaire from one of these offices and at the same time make an appointment to obtain an Eligibility Certificate .
14 Until the start of the civil war , in the summer of 1918 , there was a relative lull in the social conflicts during which the Bolsheviks shared power with the Left Social-Revolutionaries and at the same time attempted to obtain the collaboration of some sections of the bourgeoisie and industrial managers in their efforts to revive industry .
15 He selected the simplest steps and poses of classical dance with its perfectly balanced form and at the same time gave it straighter , longer lines to draw attention to the more athletic qualities of Greek dance and to the clear , austere sounds of Satie 's modern music .
16 Here they grow tomatoes and lettuce to provide valuable nutrients and at the same time they 're learning to grow vegetables in a way their parents did n't know how .
17 It could be worth many , many thousands of pounds in conventional advertising and at the same time gain that vital reputation of doing everything right .
18 The Dart Valley Light Railway plc have , therefore , decided on a new policy for the future which it feels will keep faith with the Volunteer Association Members who are keen to develop and maintain the Buckfast-Totnes line as a typical GWR branch line operating as a non-profit making charitable trust and at the same time to satisfy its shareholders who have patiently waited for a dividend for many years .
19 Inside the churches I could feel intense devoutness , and recalled the ejaculations shouted after La Macarena in Seville , so truly reverent yet passionate , reminiscent of medieval mystery plays ' earthy realism and at the same time resembling the way men call after girls in the street .
20 We describe a series of equipment that reduces local doses and gamma radiation more efficiently than traditional equipment and at the same time facilitates the handling of the isotopes .
21 ‘ We have to become the low cost producer in all segments and at the same time offer a service second to none , ’ told Courtauld News .
22 These systems when used effectively can bring increased efficiency and at the same time help create a desirable environment for guests .
23 Our early thinking , at the moment , is that we should seek ways , but without major upheaval , to bring HNCs and HNDs under the ‘ general SVQ umbrella ’ because this would give those advanced awards a rightful place in the framework of Scottish Vocational Qualifications and at the same time simplify and clarify progression routes from introductory through to advanced qualifications and beyond .
24 After a careful examination of all these factors , the Layfield Committee concluded : ‘ a local income tax ( LIT ) on personal incomes , levied according to where people live , is the only serious candidate for a new source of local revenue that could give a substantial yield and at the same time maintain or enhance accountability ’ ( Layfield 1976 : 190 — 1 ) .
25 Among the means of relieving patients from the monotony of an asylum and of preserving bodily health and at the same time of improving the conditions of the mind and prompting recovery , employment of some kind or other ranks highest .
26 County highways chairman Dave Walsh replied : ‘ What Trafalgar House might call grandiose is a scheme to improve the safety record of that area and at the same time allow the comprehensive development of the area to facilitate any industrial or retail use . ’
27 Yes my Lord er as soon as we went to the main bedroom which was the back bedroom at the same time as as that bedroom door opened , so the second team consisting of er P C P C would have gone into the second smaller bedroom and at the same time as we went in er P C and P C job er was to cover our backs in case of anybody in er the kitchen or the living area , the living room area .
28 ’ Taking its title from this sober standard phrase of the modern obituary column , Norman Rene 's film is an attempt to assess the impact of AIDS on the gay community and at the same time to celebrate the very strong sense of pride and resolve which the disease has paradoxically fostered .
29 Section 1 , Protection From Eviction Act 1977 , was amended to enable more prosecutions and at the same time introduced a new criminal offence .
30 The aperture of the cowrie shell into which the mollusc withdraws has suggested two quite different analogies , the vulva and the eye , the one promoting fertility , the other serving as a prophylactic against the evil eye and at the same time seeking to promote good sight .
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