Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [that] in a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Is not the significance of that reply that in a Community of Twelve , investment in this country is as much as that in the other Eleven put together ?
2 The doctors told me they had high hopes that in a year you 'd have made a full recovery .
3 IT IS a rather puzzling irony that in a country where we are apparently so obsessed with our homes , such a huge proportion of our new houses are mass produced boxes which are put up speculatively by developers who have little knowledge of their end customers ' needs and requirements .
4 Despite a pile of unread reprints now measuring 16 inches tall , I read this book because of the nagging suspicion that in a field that has grown as rapidly as vascular biology and medicine I might be missing more than my 16 inch stack suggested .
5 The point behind many of these affirmations is to keep reminding oneself of the obvious fact that in a situation where it is clearly impossible to be perfect , to be less than perfect is the best one can be .
6 There is great concern that in a hospital such as Stobhill a patient with heart warning signs can receive angiography examinations within a week , but in places such as Ayrshire and Argyllshire physicians have to keep patients waiting longer on medication .
7 Erm I , I think it was er you know a good thing that in a way that it was parted and made er staff , you know , training officer and business you know , sort of thing .
8 The book encourages a healthy fear of crevasses mixed with cautious confidence , based on the fundamental principle that in a crevasse accident there is self-rescue or no rescue .
9 It is common ground that in a majority of cases where an order may be made under section 18 for the payment by the Board to the unassisted party of the costs of appellate , as opposed to first instance , proceedings , the Court of Appeal or this House will be in a position at the conclusion of an appeal on the information then before it to decide under section 18(3) what , if any , order for costs should be made against the assisted party and to form at least a provisional view under section 18(4) ( c ) as to whether it would be ‘ just and equitable in all the circumstances of the case that provision for the costs should be made out of public funds . ’
10 if , if Freud 's theory of the group is correct , that it 's centred on the leader playing the super role then the presumably the leader could exhort members of the group to act better than they normally would , because after all one of the super leader 's functions is to set the goals for the ego and to give the the goal , the ego something to aspire to so er and as Joy mentioned in her papers and I 'm trying to remind you of , y you , you said that quoting Freud if you recall that , that , that Freud says and I think he , he , he repeats this from the also made the same observation that in a group or a crowd people can act a lot worse than they normally would , they can be more destructive , primitive erm and er more governed by their erm base emotions as it were , but equally in a crowd people can act better than they normally would .
11 It was probably her most annoying characteristic that in a room full of beauties she would comport herself as one with a right to be there , and there was nothing in the world that anyone could do to disabuse her .
12 He had attended courses in England and arranged visits by senior Metropolitan officers to the Hoover Building to form those one-on-one relationships that in a crisis can cut through miles of red tape .
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