Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb -s] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 In part this reflects a reluctance to let outsiders interfere with the job of policing , as well as a suspicion about soci — ology , which for many policemen sounds too much like the word ‘ socialist ’ ; social work suffers from the same association .
2 The best solution to this problem is the exchange of stock between different service points in the same authority .
3 It is currently unknown , however , whether this subset belongs to the same functional category as the CD68 + L1 + mononuclear cells infiltrating malignant lymph node processes and often developing in normal ( reactive ) mesenteric lymph nodes .
4 Most of this song proceeds in the same manner .
5 This taboo belongs to the same category , fayawan , as incest and other rules against mixing things which should be kept separate .
6 Basalts form the entire oceanic crust of the Earth , and all of this basalt originates in the same way , from the melting of rocks in the upper part of the mantle , underneath the ocean ridges .
7 A woman with big beautiful hands who smokes too much writes down my name and what she needs to know and what I need to tell , and another worker goes through the same routine with a serene and rather silent woman in her early thirties , with three children and two plastic bags containing toys and toiletries — the mark of a mother on the run , all you can grab in a quick getaway .
8 This milestone comes in the same year as the Corsair 's 40th birthday , 133722 was ‘ born ’ in Dallas , Texas , on December 14 , 1952 .
9 I hope this Margaret goes in the same way as the other Tory Margaret .
10 varied situations in which that sort of lifestyle as possible , but the absolute opposite happens within the same city as well .
11 My own personal experience leads to the same conclusion as on the rotation issue .
12 Externally the damper appears as a cylindrical inertial load which can be clamped to the motor shaft so the damper housing rotates at the same speed as the motor .
13 These must then be combined to generate an interferogram in which each point corresponds to the same time-delay after the flash .
14 Their occurrence with other prestigious grave goods in the burials of royal personages in ancient China points in the same direction .
15 Christopher Feake [ q.v. ] described her as a gentlewoman , and her fluent and confident style points in the same direction .
16 Chlorophyll depends naturally on light , CO 2 , humidity and warmth , although primary photoreaction proceeds at the same rate regardless of temperature .
17 This neat orderliness has been attacked by Le Page and Tabouret-Keller , who write ( 1985 : 198 ) : Such a model necessarily implies a linear sequence of varieties within " a language " , with the implication that all innovation starts from the same source and travels in the same direction ; and that innovation in phonology is paralleled by a similar sequence of innovation in different parts of the grammar and lexicon .
18 In Fig. 4 , there is emission by both HI and CO at ‘ forbidden velocities ’ , that is , at velocities which do not occur in a model in which all material circulates in the same sense on circular orbits .
19 The home international series begins at the same venue today , with England meeting Wales in this morning 's opening match and Scotland taking on Ireland later in the day .
20 The novelty was in the clean and smiling way he said them , blowing out gray smoke rings at the same time .
21 Evaluating the effects of regional policy bristles with the same difficulties as the evaluation of any other large-scale government policy .
22 It also adds to the objectivity of research if information gathered from several independent sources points to the same conclusion .
23 What we have tried to show here is that in this respect linguistic behaviour conforms to the same principles as the other patterns of social behaviour that have been studied by anthropologists .
24 check batch numbers on rolls to make sure each roll comes from the same batch , and that colours will match .
25 If persistently large current account imbalances arose , the antici-pation of devaluation or revaluation would give rise to speculative short-term capital flows in the same direction , putting added pressure on the exchange rate in question .
26 8 ) , ever since the end of the eighteenth century most of the movements of social criticism have been based upon a theory of society ; and on the other side , every major social theory which attempts to provide a new intellectual framework for understanding political life embodies at the same time a particular orientation to the important political issues of the age , whether in the form of Marx 's allegiance to the working-class movement , Max Weber 's identification with the German bourgeoisie and nationalism , or Durkheim 's commitment to the ideas of the Third Republic in France .
27 And when the second person starts to speak , the first person goes through the same performance until there is a chance to interrupt and say : ‘ To get back to what I was saying … ’ or ‘ This only goes to prove my point … ’
28 Not one character speaks in the same way as another one .
29 This is a slightly different scene to the one Tennyson portrays in the same setting in his poem ‘ The miller 's Daughter ’ , where he describes the miller consuming a beverage :
30 Release the front bed stitches in the same way .
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