Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb -s] [pron] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A loving partner 's selfless support gives you the extra edge you need to succeed .
2 A loving partner 's selfless support gives you the extra edge you need to succeed .
3 Bracing the right side gives you the only opportunity to use the left side to start the forward swing smoothly and efficiently .
4 Nearby , in the small village of Sticklepath , the Museum of Rural Industry gives one a clear understanding of the skills and hard work involved in living in such a remote area .
5 Another runner says its the worst run of his life
6 This technique gives you a broad view of the subject but the best books are probably in the hands of other readers .
7 When a thinker unravels previously unnoticed implications of a familiar idea , one seems stupid to have missed them oneself ; but anyone who discerns a similarity which runs athwart the current categories , a poet by metaphor or a scientist by a new model or paradigm , can strike us with astonishment and awe , as a genius whose spontaneous flash illuminates what no logical operation within the frame of accepted concepts could have disclosed .
8 This route gives you a good flavour of the West Country .
9 This text gives us a new basis for co-operation with our partners in bringing these criminals to justice .
10 East Germany 's ringing endorsement of his plan for speedy German unity makes him the strongest contender to lead the strongest power in non-communist Europe .
11 This masterpiece gives us the classical moment of the archaic style .
12 Brown ‘ boiled-up cow ’ type glue is holding the all-solid construction together remarkably well , and the high action makes it the perfect instrument for playing bottleneck and slide blues .
13 Much of the work evaluated in this chapter takes us a long way towards identifying mechanisms for triggering the need for investment , screening the proposals and defining them .
14 Those canny souls that know how often these things fall at the last hurdle can stop holding their breath and relax over Tadpole Technology Plc 's deal to do a Power RISC-based notebook for IBM Corp : IBM has paid £325,000 for 500,000 new Tadpole shares at what is now the bargain issue price of 65p , which at last week 's price of 224 pence gives it an instant paper profit of £795,000 ; it also gets warrants for 2.22m more shares at the same price to take it to 12.9% .
15 As 1991 fades from view , the timing of this issue gives me an excellent opportunity to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy , Healthy and Prosperous New Year .
16 This loneliness makes it an ideal home for the red kite — a rare and nervous bird .
17 This self-reliance gives them a competitive edge when the base rate ( set by the Bank of England ) , is high , while when it is low , societies can switch to these wholesale funds to cut costs .
18 This picture offers us a useful parallel with the Handel portrait dating from about 1728 and has the same kind of confidential candour .
19 Without making a song and dance about it your quiet air of self-assured confidence makes you a natural leader , so do n't be surprised to find yourself elected unofficial spokesperson for a group of trusting friends , workmates or neighbours .
20 Metallic papers have a highly reflective finish makes them an excellent choice to give a feeling of spaciousness in a small area .
21 My hon. Friend offers me an enticing invitation which I shall consider taking up .
22 My hon. Friend makes me an irresistible offer .
23 Chen Xinhua , the English champion retains his No 2 spot behind Prean , but the gap has narrowed to 44 points .
24 But this organisation makes it a permanent pleasure for blind and partially sighted people . ’
25 There 's no guarantee that you will hit the perfect shot , but using this procedure gives you a stronger chance .
26 I want to keep my new clothes on , so the old woman gives me a big paper carrier bag to put my mac and woolly hat in .
27 If you are going to have a party with a theme , this game gives you a good start .
28 This clown reinvents himself every 20 minutes , ’ says Don Imus , the city 's most popular radio host .
29 In a few minutes … the Foreign Secretary gives us an exclusive glimpse of his new swimming trunks …
30 This tour offers you a unique opportunity to gain an insight into the cultural and geographical aspects typical of Thailand : ruins of ancient towns and imposing temples that were once the glory of the country , exotic plants and wild jungle still unspoilt by the progress of time , rustic life with its simple and friendly people , rolling hills and roaring waterfalls , boat trips down the rapids and train rides , primitive hilltribes in their colourful costumes with a tradition and culture all their own .
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