Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb -s] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The species studied does not have to be chiral : the differential absorption comes from the effect of the magnetic field on degeneracy .
2 However it is clear that the three divisions prioritize different spheres of social relations and will have different effects … we suggest that each division exists within the context of the others …
3 The intact skin acts as a barrier between the internal and the external environment which contains many potentially harmful agents .
4 Whether that money comes from a pension , a P E P , off the pools
5 No upside down you got it , that bit goes underneath the lip .
6 And every stone in that building weighs about a ton and it 's er each stone is dovetailed into the next stone and right into the centre it 's no lot of er solid buildings are just a a circumference of er stone and then grit in between you know but this is solid right right down to the centre to the keystone in the centre .
7 That decision rests with the Attorney General .
8 One major reason for breaking your essay into parts is to signal how each part relates to the whole .
9 To understand that stupid , stubborn , eternal desire to light up , it is necessary to understand the special romantic pull that smoking exerts for the left .
10 The Lower Primary consists of the Nursery and Primaries 1 – 3 and is headed by an Assistant Headteacher who is responsible for all four years .
11 That play has as an epigraph a Christian equivalent of the escape through ‘ Shantih ’ from the cycles of creation : ‘ Hence the soul can not be possessed of the divine union , until it has divested itself of the love of created beings . ’
12 Within 2.5km ( 1½ miles ) the road forks and the right-hand branch dips across a hollow towards Schwendi ; but continue forward , climbing on the left-hand ( main ) road which ascends towards Goldiwil at a higher level with even more rewarding views .
13 When planning a rotation , it is very helpful to draw up a long-term scheme and dovetail the various crops into the seasons , at the same time ensuring that each field comes into the rotation in its turn and is then put back in grass to build up fertility for the requisite period .
14 Among the many other things that Easter means to the Christian , it must also mean a particular sense of proportion about our griefs and sufferings .
15 It is not only in difficult times that hope comes to the rescue .
16 It is simply necessary to ensure ( a ) that no strong stem contributes to the score of a record which is indexed under the corresponding weak stem , and ( b ) that a strong stem , if distinct from the corresponding weak stem , has lower weight than the weak stem .
17 He does n't actually use the words but his philosophy is clearly that the New Zealand sojourn may have been the darkest hour but that the darkest hours comes before the dawning of a new day .
18 It 's at this stage that mercury comes into the picture .
19 Each atom engraves with a diamond .
20 Ensure each male arrives at the party freshly showered and with a clean shirt .
21 If at expiry the options are out-of-the-money S < E ( calls ) and S > E ( puts ) they are worthless and the maximum loss in each case amounts to the option premium itself ( C , P ) .
22 So far as the La Pintada case [ 1985 ] A.C. 104 is concerned , that case differs from the present in the following material respects : ( 1 ) In the La Pintada case the plaintiffs were seeking to establish an extension of the common law that would apply in parallel to the statutory provisions .
23 The plan was leaked to the New York Times yesterday , in time for the strategy hearings of the Senate Armed Services Committee , and the hearings on possible defence cuts before the Senate Budget Committee .
24 2 thirds of that woodland belongs to the Forestry Commission .
25 274 has in reality occurred , the position of insurers in that field has in the result been prejudiced by legislation the effect of which was far from clear .
26 From Talagaad a narrow roads climbs up the side of the crater and enters the city via a tunnel bored through the rock of the rim wall .
27 see , as a matter of description , whether that description fits into a use class ,
28 FLURRY OF SLURRY : The liquid dung flies through the air as revenge-seeking Dave launches his attack
29 Below , from the lawn , a muscular blackbird crashes into the air .
30 With Husqvarna , that pleasure comes without the spadework .
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