Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [to-vb] with [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Preventative measures are indeed being advocated by the N.S.C.A. as an interim measure to deal with the widespread nuisance caused by straw and stubble burning after harvest .
2 As a Stalinist , Nizan was doubtless reassured that prompt action to deal with the anti-Soviet activities had been taken .
3 A 60-day state of emergency was imposed in Nalchik , capital of the Russian Federation North Caucasus republic of Kabardino-Balkaria , on Sept. 27 , following demonstrations by protesters demanding the release of the leader of the Confederation of Caucasus Mountain Peoples , Musa Shanibov , detained earlier in September for forming armed units to fight with the Abkhazian separatists in their conflict with Georgia [ see p. 39110 ] .
4 When stimulated to secrete acid ( for example , by histamine ) , additional H + , K + -ATPase units become operational as tubulovesicles rich in H + , K + -ATPase move from the cytoplasmic compartment to fuse with the apical membrane .
5 It is usual for each side to begin with an equal points value of troops — say two thousand points a side .
6 It is usual for each side to begin with an equal points value of troops — say two thousand points a side .
7 It is usual for each side to begin with an equal points value of troops — say two thousand points a side .
8 It is beyond the scope of this chapter to grapple with the full implications of the whole ERA for pre-school education , particularly with regard to ‘ opting out ’ , financial delegation , especially as , at the time of writing , vesting days for each of these major elements have yet to be announced , and discussion would be speculative .
9 Despite this , the SGA 1979 does make some attempt to deal with the Scottish dilemma vis à vis non-possessory security interests through the insertion of s61(4) of the 1893 Act ( now s62(4) of the 1979 Act ) , a provision specifically drafted for Scotland but which also applies to England .
10 At least that would give each half of the business a free run to compete with a growing horde of competitors .
11 It means little for this child to perform with the greatest precision the most difficult pieces , with hands that can hardly stretch a sixth ; but what is really incredible is to see him improvise for an hour on end and in doing so give rein to the inspiration of his genius and to a mass of enchanting ideas …
12 Officials from the governments of Vietnam , the United Kingdom and Hong Kong and from the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) met in Hanoi ( Vietnam ) on Sept. 19-21 and approved a fresh plan to deal with the Vietnamese " boat people " in Hong Kong .
13 There is a further theme to do with the collective nature of social life .
14 The invention of the spinning mule in 1779 made high quality cotton yarn possible , and it was a propitious moment to compete with the Indian muslins which monopolized the quality market .
15 ( 1 ) Non-registration Failure to comply with the various registration requirements leads , as one would expect , to liability to fines .
16 This need to deal with a tricky political environment has often led to managerial centralization of decisions that may have political overtones , and a consensual style of leadership based around committee structures ( e.g. Batstone et al.
17 Earlier , the large undertakings had been able to appoint specialised commercial officers to deal with the special selling requirements in markets such as that for industrial power .
18 ‘ Well fashion is still faring better than advertising in the current page squeeze , but there are now less editorial pages to correspond with the fewer advertising pages being sold in magazines ’ .
19 In April 1982 , a Task Force of warships and marines set sail from British ports to dispute with a tin-pot dictatorship the ownership of a territory on the other side of the world , of which many Britons had never before heard .
20 ‘ The town and city industries ’ , he said , ‘ are not producing adequate goods to exchange with the food-producing farmer … people in the cities are short of food and fuel .
21 I hope I have demonstrated some of the variety of ways in which Credits can be used and as I write perhaps some genius is thinking up yet another variation to deal with a particular problem .
22 Coping with uncertainty Specialization allows some departments to deal with the ambiguous or unpredictable .
23 Yogic meditative techniques allow this state to occur with the accompanying realisation that all things in reality are one , sharing a subtle flavour , although we normally experience them as being independent of each other .
24 Metrocast already needs frequency-agile paging to cope with the fragmented US market , and this is now being extended for British businessmen who travel to the States .
25 The plastic monsters look like ruling the planet for some time to come with the mammoth film and merchandise promotion that 's going on , selling everything from dinosaur lip balm to brontosaurus burgers .
26 The plastic monsters look like ruling the planet for some time to come with the mammoth film and merchandise promotion that 's going on , selling everything from dinosaur lip balm to brontosaurus burgers .
27 In a special statement on Haiti the summit called on the European Communities to help with the strict enforcement of the OAS economic embargo imposed after the coup in September [ see p. 38430 ] until President Aristide was reinstated .
28 We have to make a bigger struggle to deal with the racial prejudices within the women 's movement especially in white countries .
29 But it is necessary for the individual mind to cooperate with the external Mind in Nature ; the two minds are related and together they create the world — in Tintern Abbey the beholder loves
30 Here at least is an honourable attempt to deal with a serious theme ; though based on a true story , it still leaves a lingering suspicion that life is not quite so neat .
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