Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [to-vb] [noun pl] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Just to confuse us further , the ‘ opening party ’ takes place tonight , with Bleach and Smashing Orange cutting the proverbial ribbon to start proceedings a day after they 've , erm , started .
2 To prevent male or female backlashes , to stop hostile retreats into conventional gender styles , it is essential for anti-sexist curricula to give pupils the power and courage to select from real alternatives in their future lives .
3 It was a fine effort to give Ports the lead but they 'll be disappointed at conceding an equaliser a few minutes later .
4 The stones were more colourful , varying in size and shape from tiny , flat pebbles to perfect spheres the size of an eyeball .
5 Working , living and playing together in the knowledge that this may continue for many years to come increases the pressure to conform to the wishes of the group .
6 He used it in encouraging teachers to give children the freedom to discover themselves .
7 ‘ They take any handicapped person — mentally or physically , either long term , or short term to give carers a break . ’
8 Mary Hume-Rothery , for example , stressed that the sexual oppression of poor women brought to light by the acts was all the more reason to give women the vote and extend their educational provision , so that they could exercise formal political power .
9 And what do you say , do you say , ‘ I do n't agree with what that man says , it 's a bad book , I do n't like it or I wo n't read it ’ , or do you say , ‘ it 's probably useful for me to try to make the imaginative judgment to see things the way he sees them , to see the way the world looks like from his point of view , and I may reject that , but at least one ought to have some tolerance and some understanding ’ , and it seems that that 's where the study of literature meets life .
10 In the first attempts to write words the letters are just shapes to be copied like any other shapes .
11 In the Federal Republic this hollowness of the political parties is already evident in their largely successful attempts to make parties the beneficiaries of the state and members of parliament state employees .
12 She has devoted much of her time to bringing up three children and is the only person to classify herselfas a housewife in her reply .
13 Which was the first country to give women the vote ?
14 Banking and Tory party sources say that ministerial proposals to charge students a proportion of their tuition fees and other more radical ideas have been abandoned in the face of tough Treasury opposition , the perceived weakening of Mrs Thatcher 's position following Mr Nigel Lawson 's resignation , and her declared intention not to serve a full fourth term if re-elected .
15 It will be the usual exhaustive ballot procedure and if the first vote does not give an overall majority to one of the candidates there will be an adjournment for fifteen or twenty minutes in the same room to give candidates the opportunity to withdraw .
16 Bradley Allen scored his third goal in four games to give Rangers the lead and tipped strike partner Ferdinand for a long England career .
17 She is often criticized for exercising a weaker voice than she ‘ should ’ but replies that those critics who live ‘ safe from midnight arrests and solitary confinement ’ are unreasonable in the extreme in calling for those in oppressed lands to take risks the critics themselves would avoid .
18 NFC 's caring approach makes it more reluctant than most companies to show employees the door .
19 The support group wants to take part in a sitting service to give carers a break .
20 To help permanent staff to get jobs the Council Tax posts will be ring fenced around staff from the single staff group .
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