Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [v-ing] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Among those noting Xu 's habit of using just one board ( ingredients are so fresh and so quickly prepared that food poisoning is not considered a threat ) is Keith Mitchell , team captain of the British chefs competing at the culinary Olympics in Frankfurt next year , and head chef at the Grand Hotel , Eastbourne , East Sussex .
2 His plan was based on the marine lieutenant landing at the Old Quay slipway in the North Harbour and creating a diversion there , while Jones himself landed , undetected it was hoped , on the south foreshore , put the battery there out of action and then , passing round the town , knocked out the North Battery , before joining up with the other party to burn the shipping in both harbours .
3 Erm , the simulator will be developed er for this aircraft starting at the same time as we enter the production investment phase .
4 Chest x ray showed evidence of previous tuberculosis and some pleural thickening at the left base , which was thought likely to be long standing ( Fig 1 ) .
5 There have been few studies looking at the sexual risk of HIV infection for women who have sex with women and so there are few reported cases of women infected in this way .
6 Was silly old Eli sitting at the wrong gate ?
7 He saw two German troopers spurring at the second Frenchman .
8 This tin of Day and Martins metal polish gave me some trepidation looking at the vast areas of iron ferrous .
9 I laughed silently as I sat against a hard cushion in the palm-frond house looking at the brown eyes around me .
10 His unsuccessful serious plays had drawn on the Harold Pinter trick of having two different conversations continuing at the same time , and they were often returned with the comment that he had copied the playwright .
11 She cackled , delighted with the queasy mixture on the plate , hot brown coffee lapping at the pale wedge of sugared pastry .
12 Benchmarking represented a period of enforced introspection beginning at the strategic level and percolating through the organization as the change process progressed .
13 The different frequencies of light are what the human eye sees as different colors , with the lowest frequencies appearing at the red end of the spectrum and the highest frequencies at the blue end .
14 Luther Reynolds clenched the sides of the chair , his large fists curling and uncurling , and his fiery dark eyes glaring at the determined face of David Miller , the stepson he had come to resent with such bitterness that he could taste it .
15 Symptoms were regarded as mere signposts pointing at the real target .
16 Nice , quiet bed , with a cool , cotton pillow for my throbbing brow and a playful breeze puffing at the open window , lifting its frilly skirt like a peeping Tom .
17 A former executive officer with the civil service working at the National Engineering Laboratory , East Kilbride , she was now physically and mentally handicapped .
18 The so-called " excretory system " is very primitive , consisting of a canal within each lateral cord joining at the excretory pore in the oesophageal region .
19 From the corner where she squatted on a stool , she watched Midnight quietly serving the six people sitting at the long table ; n the centre of the room and , in spite of her hunger , was impressed by the careful , unobtrusive way he worked — standing always on the left of each person , never knocking against them or even brushing the backs of their tall chairs .
20 Only the dark Porsche squatting at the far end of the drive gives some indication that a local does not live here .
21 I 'm usually too absorbed in my work to spend much time looking at the other students . ’
22 Easily Accessible : The village of Raskelf is a rural community lying at the northern end of the Vale of York , a few miles from the Hambleton Hills which form the southern edge of the North York Moors .
23 This protectiveness has been especially strong in Sian , as before we got here there was an ‘ incident ’ in which an Australian girl teaching at the Foreign Language Institute was attacked and injured ( a fractured scull ) by a son of one of the workers who worked in the Institute .
24 I closed my eyes and thought about the trapped , compressed spring and the little slug sitting at the shiny bottom of the rifled tube .
25 Did you see that one advertising triple glazing at the same time as his double would you believe ?
26 She wore a great deal of make-up at all times , but that day , perhaps just as primitive man might have painted his face as a protection , she was garnished with particularly bright eye colours and lipstick , so that it was a little garish mask staring at the two policemen .
27 CACI are also able to build more advanced studies looking at the specific market sectors that a client may be interested in .
28 And that leads to the third , less obvious , reason : the market-place itself , to work efficiently , needs consumers who know how prices compare , and who act on that knowledge buying at the right price , not buying if the price is too high for this to have an influence on prices , through traders who set attractive prices competing successfully against traders who set inflated prices , it is by no means necessary for all consumers to be actively price-conscious .
29 But if it 's a world problem , if there are international dimensions to our problems in Britain , or to Kenya 's problems in Kenya , or to Mexico 's Mexican problems in Mexico , then somehow we 've got to have international groups looking at the international aspects of those problems .
30 without any tangible benefit starting at the same day that is your , that is your problem .
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