Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [v-ing] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The drug distamycin-A is known to bind in the minor groove of d(A-T) rich sequences using the same hydrogen bond acceptor sites ( O -2 and N -3 ) as water , although other stabilising effects including electrostatic and van der Waals interactions are also important ( 18 ) .
2 She sweetly punctuated every pause with ‘ Actually , we have had quite a few calls saying the same thing , ’ and ‘ Actually , I must say , I do rather agree with you . ’
3 It is a good idea to practise this technique using the same piece of music each time and the length of one side of a cassette or record ( usually about twenty minutes ) is just about right for this exercise .
4 The decision to drop the case against him was made by Director of Public Prosecutions Barbara Mills , after the collapse of another trial involving the same company , Plasser Railway Machinery .
5 Can I reiterate what he he actually said in a meeting with Calum er Carole Degucht er last year er he said I do y the honourable , my honourable friend said I do not see that uniformity means adopting a system of proportional representation and I 've yet to see a good case as to the merits of different states adopting the same procedure .
6 Ambiguity in written English may arise from different words having the same spelling ( homonyms ) or the same word having a number of meanings .
7 Found assorted English , Irish , American , German and French walkers having the same problem so did n't feel so bad .
8 For example , the data of Vesnaver and Breslauer [ 13 ] on the thermodynamics of melting of two 13-mer single strand DNA oligomers indicate ΔH helix and TΔS helix values that , in both cases , average close to -10 kJ mol -1 per nucleotide at 300 K. Making the same assumption that ΔS h and ΔS hb contribute little to single strand stability , the adverse entropy change per base stack equates with only ∼2 kJ mol -1 per rotor restricted ( TΔS at 300 K ) .
9 This process can be shown by normal carbon dioxide being passed through a tube containing algae in water with the heavier O isotope and carbon dioxide with the heavier O isotope being passed through another tube containing the same type of algae in normal water .
10 It is worth noting that there are not a few cases where constructions containing postverbal adjectives are equivalent to different structures having the same subject and the same adjectival and verbal properties , but with the former now in ordinary predicative position and the latter replaced by an adverb : ( 61 ) Mario seemed regretful Mario was apparently regretful ( 62 ) the sharks remain dangerous the sharks are still dangerous This is exactly what could have been expected , given structure ( 47 ) .
11 We are presently undertaking further studies using the same panel of antibodies in an attempt to localise each of the precursor peptides in sections from both normal mucosa and tumours .
12 Another example demonstrating the same phenomenon may be seen in Fig. 2.41 .
13 We 're so confident of this Plan 's uniqueness that if , within three months or so of your Plan commencing , you should find and be accepted for another policy offering the same cover and benefits on more favourable terms , we guarantee to cancel your Plan and refund any premiums you have paid .
14 With more express items carrying the same design , it will be easier for all countries throughout the world to recognise them and give them priority treatment .
15 We described Garrett 's ideas about the various processes required for the production of spoken sentences , and the various factors ( discourse theme , animacy , lexical accessibility ) which determine the choice a speaker makes between different sentences expressing the same meaning — passives versus actives , for example .
16 One can imagine some teachers using the same figures as evidence for using them less .
17 Thus the speaker who says ‘ I 'd really like to ’ , leaning forward , smiling , with a ‘ warm , breathy ’ voice quality , is much more likely to be interpreted as meaning what he says , than another speaker uttering the same words , leaning away , brow puckered , with a ‘ sneering , nasal ’ voice quality .
18 When they do , it is usually in the public library sphere , where the promotion of reading is an important aspect of service , and where a choice between different works covering the same subject occurs more often — for instance , in the fields of children 's books , light fiction , and popular introductions .
19 Further to your item on trade name registration ( see ACCOUNTANCY , November , p 79 ) I understood that if the trade name consisted of common or garden words then another company using the same name could not object .
20 ‘ Unless we think of three different murderers using the same spot . ’
21 The records in the same section can not randomize to the same address , so that synonyms arise by records in different sections having the same remainder .
22 Measurements of are made using a differential refractometer employing the same wavelength of light as used in the light scattering .
23 Correct There is a hypothesized phoneme bearing the same mid-class label as the hand transcription and overlapping it by at least 50% .
24 The satiety sensation was recorded after the meal and every hour for six hours using the same kind of visual analogue scale with ‘ empty stomach ’ =0 and ‘ full ’ =100 .
25 The hens also appeared to be very consistent in their decisions , with individual birds choosing the same nest day after day .
26 When in a separate study using the same stimulus material subjects who had watched the film were contacted approximately seven months later , 46% of the subjects who had viewed the violent film could still recall the essence of the film while only 21% from the non-violent condition could ( Christianson & Loftus , 1987 ) .
27 However , a random file generally occupies more space than a serial file holding the same amount of data because the records must be a fixed length and some of the records will be empty .
28 Those who knew Hebrew took significantly less time to sort the pack than those who did not in the condition that required symbols having the same name to be put together .
29 Be genuine , with visual and verbal behaviours telling the same story
30 But a Japanese man doing the same work in the same factory gets paid 30 per cent more .
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