Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [v-ing] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The projects focus on maintaining and protecting the species ' habitats , and in some cases establishing them in new habitats .
2 ‘ Oh , no , ’ I sarcastically retorted , ‘ just some French bravos welcoming me to this Godforsaken city !
3 Repêchages were in the afternoon with all British boats making it to semi finals .
4 So his Hebrew schooling thereby climaxed ; his public participation galvanising him to accelerated study .
5 The project would welcome researchers in post-war British history contacting them concerning any papers they themselves may have discovered .
6 He held the office until Safar 924/February 1518 when he was succeeded by two Damascene scholars in turn , who between them held the post until 927/1521 ; then by two Ottomans , in turn , until 930/1524 ; and then again by one of the Damascenes who had earlier held the post , this time holding it from 930/1524 to 936/1530 when he was removed , apparently for misconduct .
7 Even before he got to her she was mesmerised , the dark eyes holding her with complete ease , and she had to bring herself quickly back to the present to do what she had planned and set matters on an even footing straight away .
8 Roman , desiring her , his dark gaze drawing her into that hot , frightening vortex of her own senses … caves , black as night , ‘ caverns measureless to man ’ , and the story of the wicked Hasan …
9 One of the two largest owls of the region , an enormous , almost eagle-sized bird , the prominent ear-tufts and facial disc distinguishing it from all diurnal birds of prey .
10 Instead , it put the spacecraft into an elongated orbit carrying it between 21 600 and 34 200 kilometres above the Earth .
11 In Years I and II , students take three units introducing them to political and socio-economic aspects of the countries of the EC and they also consider the mass media in Europe .
12 I 've written about this before and I expect I 'll write about it again , because I get more frustrated knitters questioning me about this than almost anything else .
13 The learning outcomes in these modules have so much in common that it seems inappropriate to have three teachers teaching them in three separate classrooms .
14 He set aside an area of one hundred and nine acres to the east of the original Saxon village ( called Old Town to this day ) and on it laid out a regular plan of streets — three running parallel with the river and three others crossing them at right angles .
15 I saw Pike 's weatherworn little face watching me with intense concentration .
16 But with the size that the baby is already , it 's likely Greene would have a hard time getting her beyond thirty-eight weeks .
17 However , instead of checking this chain of results for every concrete example where we seek to prove uniqueness of factorisation , it would be better if we could isolate the essentials behind these theorems leaving us in each specific case only these essentials to verify .
18 They carry on average only 2.5 grains each and , as the corollas fall in the morning , they ny back up to the canopy , where they effect pollination , any slight wind drifting them to other trees .
19 Having the opportunity to do some work from home is of great assistance providing me with extra flexibility to help balance and organise my professional and domestic commitments . ’
20 Heated debate over the dam project took place during the 15-day NPC session , with many delegates opposing it for environmental and financial reasons .
21 However , unless I want junk food from one of the many establishments purveying it in this thoroughly commercialised station , all I have available to sit on in the huge concourse is a grubby metal flip-up slat a few inches wide .
22 She complains cheerfully as we enter saying , ‘ Jaz I 've never had so many people kissin' me in all me life , strangers and all , you 'd tink I was in Italy or England or America , God forbid ! ’
23 The stables get through tons of yellow pages each month turning it into billions of bits ; surely the ultimate nightmare for anyone called JR Hartley .
24 Then the hotel ( ‘ Charlie sent us , ’ ) and the assistant manager drawing her to one side ( ‘ I 'm putting you in a suite for a couple of hours .
25 So when the station came clean , they had to field several angry calls accusing them of pro-Nottingham Forest bias .
26 He had stood quietly swaying himself on his heels , an almost derisive expression in the curl of his lips as he smoked a cigarette , his very silence provoking her to further abuse .
27 On Wednesday David Howell , the Energy Secretary , was forced to withdraw the threat of pit closures and on Thursday we woke up to a dreadful press accusing us of ignominious surrender .
28 Claudia drove the ten miles separating them at reckless speed .
29 Some female handed them a hypo-bulb and they sprayed it into Jezrael 's face , and there was a physical paralysis leadening her without physical pain .
30 There are few caves in this part of the world today , and there is no record of snowy owls entering them at any time .
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