Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb base] up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Hapless drivers draw up at the lights and are yanked from their cars at knife-point .
2 It was also decided that political parties set up in the future should only be granted " observer " status .
3 A second attempt by Admiral Rodney to attack the transports at Le Havre had found the defences there too strong for his bomb-vessels to get within range , while a storm off Dunkirk had enabled a French squadron shut up in the port to make its escape .
4 The study , ‘ Made in Britain : the true state of British manufacturing industry ’ , is a joint project by IBM Consulting Group and London Business School to test whether British manufacturers measure up to the best in the world .
5 Biggleswade saw the British heroine climb up onto the Argie tank , and cheered .
6 Some families split up with the stress of this situation .
7 But now the solar influence is beginning to turn around to contribute a further warming influence up to the year 2010 , boosting the greenhouse effect where for the past 30 years it has been counterbalancing it .
8 old friends walk up through the wild streets
9 So we saw this fellow go up to the window and look and then he went and got a stone from the kerb and ‘ bang ’ on the window .
10 In 1829 Elie de Beaumont put forward the idea that the Earth is contracting and argued that compressional stresses set up in the crust as a result of the cooling of the Earth 's interior would give rise to faulting , folding and thickening of the crust , and eventually to the formation of mountain ranges .
11 But the new financing structure collapsed under them and , as the cultural energy build up during the 1939–45 period became depleted , these filmmakers were only occasionally to work again at the same level of intensity .
12 If the more rural areas show up on the whole slightly better than the more populous places that is perhaps a feature that occurs in other aspects of Scottish life ; and let the indwellers in those backward centres of population not repine .
13 In appropriate case take up with the seller 's conveyancer for clarification or action , and if necessary advise client and take instructions before completing .
14 Problems of a somewhat similar kind occur up to the death of Stephen on 25 October 1154 , and even after that date there are various kinds of complication ; the first to be noted is that the reign of a monarch did not automatically start , or be deemed to start , on the day his or her predecessor died , or vacated the throne , as has been the custom since the death of William III on 8 March 1722 .
15 My right hand shook as I remembered the sudden fear of seeing the crimson tracer flick up from the ground .
16 I wanted to see the rainforest I 'd read about , a place where vast trunks rise up like the pillars of a gloomy cathedral , where lianas hang down , where bright parrots chatter in the sunlight of the tree canopy .
17 Tiny bubbles rise up through the darkness and a soothing voice calls the audience into the sight room .
18 Especially if more of his carefully-planned meals end up on the wall than in his mouth .
19 And then when the graduates from that process come up with the goods , invest in their innovative ideas .
20 Perhaps only three or four keys on the typewriter keyboard that the computer will have need to be pressed at all , and if a child presses the wrong one it does n't all stop and funny , you know , impersonal messages come up on the screen saying he 's done something wrong , it just ignores them and waits for one of the correct responses .
21 These lifts go up through the ceiling into the room above .
22 Every night while the white kids queue up at the teen club Todd 's , or the new romantic Taboo , the black kids flock to the Music Institute for a dose of blinding strobes and pure , hard techno .
23 Downstairs smoke-rooms sent the odour of fine Havana leaf up into the street to mingle with the scent of fresh-roasted coffee or the exhaust of an occasional motorcar .
24 The exhaust air from three driers pass up through the tower and is cleaned by liquid sprayed down through the tower .
25 The Institute is made up of three departments : Cookery , which devises , develops and double-tests every recipe featured ; Consumer Research , where experienced researchers investigate whether domestic goods live up to the claims made by manufacturers ; and the Consumer Advice Service , which answers your questions and produces GHI Information Sheets .
26 The final major institution was to be the Court of Justice , not to be confused with the European Court of Human Rights set up under the 1950 Convention and based in Strasbourg along with the Council of Europe .
27 And he said , ‘ You 've got absolutely nothing to worry about because you see it 's like this : when a lady and a gentleman love one another , there 's a little thing that 's provided by the gentleman and a little thing that 's provided by the lady and the two little things meet up in the lady 's cave and form a baby .
28 Hope walked across to one of the biggest stones and examined its blank surface close up with the most scrupulous attention until the Colonel and his ward had quit the field .
29 Maybe a couple of dozen people show up for the party ; about half locals — mostly men , though there 's one married couple and a pair of single girls — and half travellers , New Age hippies from various scattered buses and vans parked in lay-bys and the highway equivalent of oxbows , where corners or short , twisty lengths of old roads have been replaced with more direct stretches .
30 These estimates add up to the figures quoted earlier , namely between 28,000 and 40,000 wild Asian elephants scattered over an immense area .
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