Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb base] [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes the public distancing of Romania from its Warsaw Pact allies , especially Big Brother in Moscow , was done in a quite insulting fashion : Ceauşescu could even implicitly put the Kremlin in the same category as the White House : ‘ The small and medium-sized states refuse to play the role of pawn in the service of the interests of big imperialist powers any longer . ’
2 Two controversial storylines continue to dominate the childhood abuse of Lorraine and the budding affair of Kim and Neil .
3 Although the single currency and the new powers for the European Parliament continue to grab the headlines , they are not the only issues to be hammered out at Maastricht next week .
4 Members of the group of hotels , conference centres and stately homes hope to use the bridge as a strong marketing tool .
5 He finds , not surprisingly , that the two based mainly on economic indicators tend to rank the United States very high ( first and second ) , while the other two , more widely based , classifications rank it lower ( sixth and twentyfourth ) .
6 It is the consonant sounds which make speech intelligible ; therefore it is not surprising that people who lose the high frequencies tend to hear the voice but not to be able to distinguish words .
7 NEC Corp expects personal computer shipments in 1993-94 to increase by 10% to 1.37m units as a result of the government 's increased spending on computers for schools and public institutions : according to Reuter , NEC sees its personal computer sales rising in the second half of the fiscal when public institutions start to introduce the machines ; in the year to March , NEC 's personal computer shipments were down by 5% .
8 On our return to Abergynolwyn we had a half hour wait to allow the Talyllyn 's vintage train to pass through and this allowed us to get a snack in the refreshment room .
9 In this prologue we discuss some of the questions which few beginners seem to have the courage to ask and yet to which they would surely like some kind of answer .
10 So tight is the position at present that many would-be solicitors have to take the gamble of completing the Final before they have fixed up articles .
11 Things which are not open to change , such as a person 's age , are treated as causes ; indeed , some researchers like to reserve the term ‘ cause ’ for such factors .
12 Animals that are too aggressive , too daring , or too timid for their own good in terms of reproduction are gradually eliminated so that in a stable environment the median values tend to become the population norms .
13 Oban Pier is again the starting-point from which the ‘ Clydesdale , ’ the ‘ Clansman , ’ or another of Hutchison and Company 's well-equipped steamboats start to bear the traveller out of Kerrera Sound , past Dunolly , past Dunstaffnage , across the opening of Loch Etive , round Lochnell Head within sight of the Lady Rock , Duart Castle , and the mountains of Mull ; having on the right the mountainland of Lorn , whose ever-changing forms fill the mind with admiring wonder ; on our left the Isle of Lismore and the coast and far-stretching hills of Morven .
14 Some countries seek to involve the people more directly , from time to time , by the use of plebiscites .
15 If some countries agree to curb the fossil fuels they burn , ought they to penalise the energy-intensive products of free-riders that do not ?
16 As a theory it is common enough : in the Italian Constitution the family is the only association among people which is designated ‘ natural ’ , and contemporary British conservatives tend to see the family as a possible counterweight to the power of the state .
17 Our Arthur , Arthur sat there and this girl come to clear the pots away and she 's been round lots of tables , you know , collecting the cups up together and she comes in and she goes ooh !
18 I 'm really not keen on having the processor affecting my amp 's EQ , although some guitarists like to shape the sound this way .
19 In the harder nosed environment that we are now facing there will be times when schools in the public sector have to balance the needs of an individual disruptive child against the effects that the child is creating amongst other children and their parents .
20 Some companies offer to do the training either on their own premises or at the client site .
21 Magnetic monopoles fail to oblige the physicists
22 Hence , social psychologists attempt to transcend the naivety of common sense , to clear up its confusions and ‘ unfounded speculation ’ , and to transform lay into scientific theories .
23 If , as McGuire ( 1986 ) has argued , social psychologists need to study the structure of attitudes , then rhetorical theorists seem to suggest that one should study the structure of public debate on social issues , in order to determine the structure of attitudes .
24 And some applications prefer to control the printer explicitly , by issuing separate CR and LF commands .
25 Even when British workers manage to get the cash in their hands , they find it is being eaten up faster .
26 Some mortgagees have standard clauses that they require to be inserted in the conveyance or transfer of the property charged in their favour and some mortgagees require to approve the draft document , whilst others ( for instance , the Halifax Building Society ) delegate the task of drafting to the mortgagee 's solicitor with a few suggested ( but by no means mandatory ) clauses .
27 Some organisations seek to channel the grapevine for productive purposes by producing house magazines which allow issues to be raised publicly which would otherwise only become known through rumour .
28 How has my right hon. Friend come to judge the weight of opinion between those who wish to stay but to move forward into an area of ever better care in those hospitals against those who want a move into a future of some uncertainty ?
29 Will my hon. Friend agree to tell the chairman of British Rail that he must do everything that he possibly can to improve the standard of service on that line for my constituents before 1995 ?
30 New houses , new schools , new hospitals , new local authority residential establishments help to keep the building and furnishing industries going .
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