Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb pp] for the first " in BNC.

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1 The five CODESA working groups met for the first time on Jan. 20 in Johannesburg .
2 This body met for the first time in May 1989 and elected from its members the bicameral 542-member Supreme Soviet — the working constitutional body responsible for all legislative and administrative matters — consisting of the Soviet of the Union and the Soviet of Nationalities .
3 The High Authority met for the first time in the autumn of 1952 , and immediately set about trying to turn the principles of the Treaty of Paris into practical results .
4 On the one hand this expansion offered for the first time a substantial number of teaching posts which together formed a fully-integrated career structure , and on the other it considerably lessened the security of both the " historical " and " critical " paradigms for which Bateson had been at such pains to seek some form of mutual accommodation .
5 They showed that subjects given verbal pre-training with one set of stimuli learn the appropriate motor response more rapidly to these stimuli than to a further set introduced for the first time in the test phase .
6 In his comprehensive Apples Of England , Dr Taylor states that ‘ In England this variety only reaches full maturity in years of hot summers , ’ and goes on to say that ‘ Indeed , November- December-picked Sturmers are the best , ’ and , with a basket-full of fine specimens picked for the first time ever in the latter month , I agree .
7 Their obligation to be honest with each other outweighed for the first time whatever they owed to anyone else .
8 To determine whether proliferative patterns in flat rectal mucosal samples can predict the recurrence of adenomatous colorectal polyps , after polypectomy , rectal mucosal specimens removed from the lesions obtained at endoscopy from 55 patients diagnosed for the first time as having adenomatous colorectal polyps .
9 Those schools selected for the first quality audit in mathematics or science have recently been asked to supply 12 pieces of work from across the entire year group reflecting the spread of the ability range .
10 In February 1990 the Chinese government admitted for the first time that HIV infection had spread to China in significant numbers , particularly to the south-western province of Yunnan , which because of its proximity to the " golden triangle " of drug production in Thailand and Burma had a relatively high number of intravenous drug users .
11 Aims were defined , certain statutory regulations laid down and five officers elected for the first three-year term .
12 Unix System Labs expects to have beta versions of Tuxedo ready for IBM 's ES/9000 AIX by the end of the year , with general availability scheduled for the first quarter ( UX No 403 ) .
13 The two-tier structure introduced for the first time in some urban areas was another source of increased costs ( Alexander 1982a:Ch.3 ) .
14 The hardline leadership admitted for the first time it regretted the exodus , admitted there were problems and conceded it might be partly to blame .
15 As the two hellraisers met for the first time for the benefit of the world 's press , they exchanged jokes .
16 The new parliament convened for the first time on June 9 .
17 The new body met for the first time , in the building of the suspended National Assembly , on April 25 .
18 When the new Assembly met for the first time on Sept. 24 , seven opposition members refused to take their seats , claiming that the election had been rigged .
19 The new Cabinet met for the first time on June 12 and Shamir attempted to head off Arab-led calls for a special UN Security Council team to visit the West Bank and Gaza [ see p. 37443 ] by proposing that a UN envoy , Jean-Claude Aimé , should visit the area in their place .
20 In fact , once you take into account all the set-up costs of the two endowments needed for the first method , having a joint policy becomes quite competitive , as well as offering extra peace of mind .
21 New workplaces opened for the first time on or after 1 January 1993 or those that are modified or extended or converted should comply with the Regulations immediately .
22 The seven-member committee of the Arab League met for the first time in Cairo , also on April 7 .
23 Participants from the former Soviet republics attended for the first time on Nov. 23-24 a meeting in Paris of the 17-member Co-ordinating Committee on Multilateral Export Controls ( COCOM — once primarily a forum for controlling the acquisition of sensitive Western technology by the Soviet Union and its allies ) .
24 It is true , however , that taken as a whole , the 1947 Act created for the first time a comprehensive framework for planning and thereby laid the groundwork for a permanent and highly significant change in the public attitude to private property and its use and development .
25 In 1851 , which , with symbolic appropriateness , was the year in which a hungry urban population exceeded for the first time the population of the countryside , drainage-minded landlords up from the shires were able to carry away a wealth of interesting ideas from the Great Exhibition .
26 GRAHAM TAYLOR last night revealed for the first time what Paul Gascoigne 's return means to him .
27 It is a fact that most people bitten for the first time by their own dog are bitten in the bedroom .
28 The 1988 survey included for the first time results from saliva tests from half the children surveyed ; this double check may have encouraged them to be more honest about their smoking habits .
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