Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb past] that many [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In the case of family planning , the inter-uterine contraceptive device ( IUCD ) was launched in India in the mid-1960s before adequate research showed that many women were physically unsuited to it , and it needed a high level of professional judgement on the part of the paramedical staff inserting it .
2 Another survey found that many employers regard staff over the age of 45 as ‘ over the hill ’ .
3 Both the official and non-official élites believed that many charges were not true , but there was no agreement about the proportion of false cases , or about the number of crimes which were never reported .
4 Blocked roads meant that many motorists could not get home for several hours .
5 When autotomy was first observed it was thought that the killer simply ripped off the tail by brute force , but closer study revealed that many lizards , especially geckos , have evolved special break-points in their tails — weak spots that fracture with great ease and make the sacrifice a simple matter .
6 Furthermore , the extensive number of safe seats meant that many electors cast " wasted " votes .
7 The financial means at Lorenzo 's disposal did not , however , equal those of his father , and his early death and the subsequent convulsions of the Florentine State meant that many commissions did not progress beyond the planning stage .
8 Despite granting " autonomy " to many state-owned factories and restoring 69 factories to the private sector , shortages of electricity , raw materials and spare parts meant that many factories could produce only at half their potential capacity .
9 Multinational chemical companies complained that many chemicals imported into Hong Kong were exported again ; manufacturers protested that they would be penalised , even if they disposed of their chemicals responsibly .
10 Firstly , changing external factors meant that many plans became rapidly out of date and so they could never be implemented properly .
11 Notwithstanding Clinton 's protestations , the agonies suffered over the issue of draft evasion by Dan Quayle as vice-presidential candidate during the 1988 campaign meant that many Republicans seized upon the allegations against Clinton with undisguised delight .
12 Relief workers at Ebenat camp ( New Scientist , 17 March , p 727 ) last week reported that many children have the disease , and that supplies of vaccine were short .
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