Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb past] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A little money came in from The Character of Completeness , and he took Dinah out for supper in an hotel one Sunday , when she was not working .
2 A narrow stairway led up to the third floor where an unmarked door opened onto a plush modern office reception area with a deep-pile fawn carpet dotted with pot plants .
3 The ace cyclist went along to the Glover 's Lane Surgery in Netherton to start a week of Health Promotion events .
4 I think also that aspersions were cast , as asides , on the true soldierly qualities of Sgt York , and hence on all American soldiers , and a three-way fight broke out among the French-Canadian , American and British , to a background drone of German bombers wending their weary way to or from London , or circling in a desultory fashion prior to dumping their bombs with a dull thud on the surrounding countryside .
5 It was more irritating still to realise he was n't in the least bit put out by the woman 's comments .
6 A row of yellow , baleful eyes looked down from the darkness among the rafters .
7 The SSL holds a core collection of material covering scientific and technical aspects backed up by the National Library 's other relevant collections such as official publications , legislation , and popular science items .
8 A lined mouth stretched back in a screech .
9 So it became the first PGA Tour venue to lose a tournament because it does n't conform to the anti-discrimination rule laid down by the United States PGA .
10 In the morning , I slept through the pigeons , but around 8.30 a loud banging started down in the nave like they might have been building a scaffold or something .
11 Great shafts of white after-rain light poured down from the edges of the clouds and soon the sun shone alone in a patch of blue , a weakening autumn sun .
12 The Duke was revelling in the occasion , his toothless mouth curved up in a great leer like the mask of comedy .
13 The North Korean delegation walked out of the eighth round of normalization talks with Japan , held on Nov. 5 in the Chinese capital Beijing .
14 The stuttering start , a last lap breakdown in Canada and the fiasco of Portugal , where his rear right wheel fell off after a pit stop , undermined his campaign .
15 Julie fell dead beneath a tree , its lower branches hacked off in the frenzied attack .
16 The dark , lazy appraisal moved down over the jut of her breasts beneath the soft material , and she shivered involuntarily , despite the warm night .
17 The political parties warmed up for a general election by bickering over whether the new health trusts remain part of the national health service .
18 The Righteous Brothers popped in for a swifty , as did Twin Peaks star Sherilyn Fenn .
19 The Righteous Brothers popped in for a swifty , as did Twin Peaks star Sherilyn Fenn .
20 Wooden balconies jutted out from the upper storeys , giving the plaza not only a feeling of space but of intimacy .
21 Some geezer got down into the tunnels and found his way out . ’
22 When this boiler wore out during the 1940s the electric drive was added .
23 One popular route started off from the highly reactive unsaturated hydrocarbon , ethylene ( or ethene ) , H 2 C=CH 2 , which was readily and cheaply available from petroleum refineries .
24 Another five reluctant paired birds took off as the panic spread around the pond .
25 The entire high squadron went down with the exception of the leader .
26 My talk with Quintin had more content since he said that if another peer came down from the Upper House he would withdraw from public life whether he was in the Upper or Lower House .
27 Then in the 1960s British Rail came up with a novel idea for a faster train .
28 At the airport planes of astonishingly different sizes — like children 's toys on different scales mixed up in the same game queue to use the runway for take-off .
29 When English merchants moved out into the world beyond Europe , it was natural enough that the Spice Islands became their ultimate objective .
30 In the near-total darkness Dong could not see the old coolie stretched out on the muddy floor beside them .
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