Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb past] [prep] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 In the 1890s about 60 per cent of European emigrants went to the United States , but this proportion tended to drop while South America 's share grew steadily .
2 A law amending the Constitution and enabling President Aylwin to pardon some 250 political prisoners incarcerated under the Pinochet dictatorship was approved by the Chamber of Deputies on Jan. 22 .
3 The dull red glow was all about them now and the baleful light fell across the Robemaker 's cloaked figure so that , although his face remained hidden , Nuadu caught the glitter of his eyes , red and inverted and , despite the belching heat , he felt ice close about his heart .
4 This change had by the November 1983 uprating resulted in the abolition of short-term child support .
5 Within the Six , the strongest support came from the West German Finance Minister , Ludwig Erhard , who had long favoured a broader European grouping than that being developed by the Six .
6 In the event , part of the collection was left to the museum at Charleroi , near Magritte 's home town ; another part went to the Pompidou Centre 's Musée National d'Art Moderne , while the painter 's remaining works , house and surrealist library were left ownerless : his widow had not had time to stipulate how they should be divided .
7 Three-quarters of this aid came from the United States .
8 The strongest opposition came from the UK , USA , Chile and Japan , with the key debates focusing on the question of possible mining activity .
9 A different gap emerged in the Andersonstown data , which probably reflected the structure of the participant-observer 's own social network ; only one male in the older age group was contacted .
10 This programme consisted of the LGS training team remaining in the union for 6 months instead of the standard one month .
11 This pattern was worn until 1959 when a merger with The Somerset Light Infantry resulted in The Somerset and Cornwall Light Infantry being established ; since then the plain white metal bugle-horn of the light infantry has been worn .
12 This question arose in the Strauss case in 1958 when an M.P. , taking up a matter on behalf of a constituent , made certain allegations against the Electricity Board .
13 Few cheapjacks went to the Tuesday market , but there were numerous stalls selling vegetables , fish , clothing and many other items .
14 The few French privatisations that occurred before the current Socialist government came in — Compagnie Financiere de Suez being a good example - excited heavy demand from French retail investors , rather as British Gas and British Telecom did in the UK .
15 DOZENS more East German refugees arrived outside the West German embassy yesterday seeking asylum and passage to the West , including some who missed by only a few minutes a train that took more than 800 of their compatriots to West Germany .
16 Fresh unrest erupted in the Gaza Strip after troops shot dead a 15-year-old Palestinian boy on March 27 , and later that day shots were fired at an Israeli military vehicle near Hebron .
17 Here , where the Scottish border ran across the Cheviot Hills , far from civilisation , ‘ reiving ’ , or cattle-thieving , was a way of life .
18 The tasting 's top mark went to the Waitrose non-vintage Blanc de Noirs
19 A pro-Nasserite revolution occurred in the Yemen in September 1962 , which was to lead to Egyptian-backed rebellions in the Aden Protectorates and later in Aden itself .
20 If there is any further documentation referenced by the SSR then this must also be sent .
21 If there is any further documentation referenced by the SSR then this must also be sent .
22 The French stance emerged after the EC 's chief trade negotiator affirmed his belief that Europe and the US could work out the dispute over farm subsidies and avert full-scale trade war .
23 The research continues work on this topic started in the ESRC 's Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations .
24 A spokesman for the Soil Association , which monitors organic farming , said that the production of wholly pesticide-free food was impossible , due to residues in rain and groundwater , but that such accidental pollution could not explain the high levels discovered in the Warwickshire tests .
25 a transcription you remember last year , we had about one week on phonetics , and John , some people came to the John talk , where we did n't really talk about phonetics script there .
26 The despatch which would have told Wellington of the loss of Charleroi and the further French advance lay in the Major 's saddlebag .
27 In addition this policy resulted in the GLC losing some £50m of rate support grant from the government .
28 This policy culminated in the Dresden raid in 1945 , in which the USAAF also joined .
29 Before 1845 only in one year had more than 100,000 foreign passengers arrived in the United States .
30 The Lebanese Government appealed to the United States , and King Hussein of Jordan invoked his long-standing friendship with Britain to ask for her help .
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