Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [adv] the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He came to believe that in order to help the poor and to achieve social harmony both the state and charity should work to improve living and working conditions .
2 In this jurisdiction equally the mother and children are dependent on state benefits .
3 In this situation neither the academy nor design itself can any longer be aware of design 's actual social content ( designed without explicit social formative function , such functions are " achieved despite design 's comprehension " ) .
4 The further risk both the vendor and purchaser will wish to minimise is alerting the particular customer or supplier as to how significant they are in relation to the business .
5 Given the essential technical background and the sound approach advocated in Simple Electronic Navigation both the tyro and the more experienced should be able to select their electronics with ease and obtain better and more reliable use from them .
6 Six years later the traveller and writer Eric Newby had a chance meeting with Thesiger in the Hindu Kush .
7 Mr Whitehead was off work for six weeks following the accident and Largue spent two weeks in intensive care .
8 The elections for it were promised for the following year and already by the time of the secretary of state 's television broadcast in early September both the NIO and the Ulster political parties were evolving respective plans .
9 A couple of hours and aching arms later the copper and brass was gleaming and sitting back to bask in satisfaction a voice soon broke the momentary pleasure .
10 As has often been the case , it is the artists who are the forerunners of fashion , and fifty years later the world and his wife craved for Windermere .
11 But if X + Y is an organic unity then the fact that it has 100 degrees of value may be because it has 90 degrees of value as a whole while Y has none .
12 ‘ But we believe we will get this 90 percent right the thought that has gone into it has been enormous . ’
13 There is a closing sequence now the reason that you were able to close in the manner that you did with that bloke is a natural ability , but if I 've said to you to teach somebody else it you would say I can not do it , but I ca n't teach somebody else , because you 're not actually aware of the sequence that you 're working , can you see what I 'm saying to you ?
14 Within this general description there are two basic types namely the batch and continuous loader .
15 He also made the observation , which was confirmed in this survey , that ‘ in many cases neither the farmer nor his wife were fully aware of the nature and extent of the wife 's influence ’ .
16 In the latter case either the actor or the acted-upon was revealed first .
17 In children older than 11 months both the univariate and multivariate analyses suggest that a respiratory rate of 60/min is preferable to the suggested 70/min as a cut off value for the prediction of hypoxaemia .
18 I believe that my account of events is a good deal nearer the truth than some that have since been published : but then I was perhaps in a better position than some other observers to know what was going on .
19 When Alayn , for instance , rouses the miller , who he thinks is John , to brag of his success with a familiar and confiding jest : " " … thou swines heed , awake ! " " ( 4262 ) , the epithet is ironically appropriate to the miller , especially as sixteen lines later the clerk and the miller are fighting " " … as doon two pigges in a poke " " .
20 It was not that Nelson had died there , nor was it because many years ago the crucifix that hung there demanded obeisance .
21 Our tours have given many people abroad the impression that Oxford is one of the theatrical centres of England !
22 Even ten years ago the idea that English-speaking children should be educated completely in a foreign language for every subject , including science , without actual specific prior tuition or without reinforcement at home , would have been considered strange to say the least .
23 By recent Philippine standards both the campaign and the process of voting were conducted in a peaceful and orderly fashion , with no reported instances of large-scale or systematic fraud .
24 Conservative Western military analysts have expressed scepticism about Soviet statements that they are removing from their armed forces both the capability and the doctrine of a large-scale attack on western Europe .
25 A very simple ( and true ) illustration of this point arose in one accident where a BOAC pilot died flying his own privately owned small aeroplane only the day after he had landed his Boeing 707 full of passengers at Heathrow .
26 An entry in the charges register disclosed that it was subject to restrictive covenants imposed by a deed of 1883 but did not reveal what those covenants were , because on first registration neither the deed nor a copy or abstract of it had been produced .
27 In fact , although each volume was prepared under the ‘ haute direction de M. Camille Saint-Säens , the great man himself edited only the first five volumes exclusively the keyboard and chamber music and motets .
28 One month later the appellant and another accomplice entered an off licence , wearing stocking masks and carrying a gun which was not in working order ; the female licencee was threatened and £65 taken from the till .
29 For security a lock on the front locks both the system and the keyboard .
30 The Assistant Government Agent at Matara agreed that the establishment of village tribunals had led to a decrease in the number of police court cases , but asked ‘ what good end is obtained by merely removing the scene of litigation from one set of courts to another , and doubling the amount of litigation in the process , and how it is supposed that by increasing litigation twofold the peace and harmony of the district is secured , and litigation robbed of all the rancour and bad feelings it engenders in the ordinary courts ? ’
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