Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [adv] than a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is partly because of the structure of catholic nationalism in the Southern state and partly because the national unity sought by significant numbers of Northern catholic nationalists is still on the basis of the reversal of protestant — loyalist hegemony rather than a power compromise .
2 As McLean points out , under Mrs Thatcher , ‘ Legislative proposals tend to reflect undiluted political programmes rather than a compromise between competing interests .
3 The development of programme structures was seen as an additional administrative responsibility rather than a substitute for previous ones .
4 They committed themselves to simple pro-rata savings rather than a re-ordering of priorities , reflecting the changing demand for the education and social services .
5 Changes were afoot in the world of Britpop but even so , the NME of the '50s was still a big band paper first and foremost , and one that saw its typical reader as a working musician rather than a fan .
6 He is the only pianist I have ever heard who does not make Balakirev 's Islamey sound clumsy in places , who does not need to slow down for the middle section of Liszt 's Rhapsodie espagnole , and who can play repeated notes faster than a machine-gun can shoot bullets .
7 Now Livingston appears to be fighting a losing cause , especially since he is relying on a scientific defence rather than a claim the BAF testing procedure was suspect .
8 Ewan is the 2,000th disabled person to find a job in the area of Glasgow , Renfrew and Dumbarton since the Employment Service set up a committee to spearhead initiatives in this field more than a year ago .
9 This attitude is not uncommon but it was new to me , as were a good many of Sophie 's ideas , and because of its novelty I think I was unconsciously moulded by it : I had begun to see Richard as someone to be ‘ got round ’ , a duped enemy rather than a husband .
10 ( It 's just possible that the youngsters were expressing a scientific talent rather than a dislike of the press , for their is no denying that McGinty 's ample form would produce an immediate uplift in the balloon . )
11 The War Wagon itself can sustain 5 wounds as shown on its profile ; this is 2 wounds more than a chariot to take into account its heavier construction .
12 Airships are making a commercial comeback less than a year after Australian businessman Alan Bond 's Airship Industries crashed to earth with debts of £50 million .
13 In general , people not actually involved in it saw the Council as the beginning of a new ecclesial era rather than a way of concluding some long-standing issues and leaving it at that , yet the Council 's documents remain for nearly all Catholics the most authoritative Church teaching of this century , beside which even papal encyclicals have comparatively slight standing .
14 This is an interesting case to examine , of course , because in Problems of Social Policy Titmuss presented it as a clear example of a policy change engendered originally by the social debate on evacuation , and then given sudden new urgency by the ‘ decisive ’ influence of Dunkirk in July 1940 ; a marked change in government thinking — a new acceptance of the milk-in-schools scheme as a universalist social service rather than a relief measure tainted with Poor Law associations — took place ‘ five days after the evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force from Dunkirk ’ .
15 Male homosexuality is increasingly regarded as a variation of sexual behaviour rather than a perversion , and although the homosexual male is still treated badly by the law , in comparison to the heterosexual , he no longer feels the urgent need for anonymity and secrecy .
16 It can become a pleasant social occasion rather than a chore .
17 Exploration , forced by the paucity of lines remaining on natural rock , found the Rainbow to be a steep slab rather than a wall , and climbable after all .
18 This is partly to ensure that any increase in profitability can be identified as the result of improved efficiency rather than a change in the method of compiling the accounts .
19 Substitute honey for sugar in drinks and at meal times , serve fresh fruit rather than a dessert .
20 Secondly , the formal analysis which is second nature to a Western critic can be fruitful , even though it could be argued that this is a way of interpreting the objects of an unfamiliar culture rather than a description .
21 Dooling predicted that when subjects had to decide whether the target sentence was meaningful , a sentence context should make this task easier than a word context since the former provides more advance information about the likely meaning of the target sentence .
22 A number of arguments is usually advanced in favour of a selected or key settlement policy for rural areas rather than a strategy of dispersed growth .
23 In fact , at room temperature a diamond has a thermal conductivity about six times higher than a piece of copper .
24 In the absence of a clear candidate of the right next time , some MPs suspect that Mr Tebbit may be manoeuvring to become a serious outside runner rather than a king-maker .
25 But well heeled Frenchmen often wear political allegiances like fragrant button holes : it is part of their personal decoration rather than a constraint on their way of life .
26 This conditioning idea , absent in the that-clause construction , is what I believe accounts for the less factual tone of the infinitival structure : explicitly evoking one 's knowledge as the condition allowing one to assert something ( rather than flatly stating one 's awareness of a fact ) tends to suggest that what one is saying is a personal opinion rather than a matter of objective fact .
27 The fact is that he had much to do with the development of that car , that he worked hard , drove cleanly and finished steadily : those are the marks of a real champion rather than a flash in the pan .
28 Nizan 's willingness to envisage international diplomacy as an act of moral integrity rather than a process of tactical and strategic expediency was highlighted several years later in May 1939 , at a moment when Stalin tightened his grip on foreign policy by replacing Litvinov with Molotov .
29 It will be noticed that in all of this the term " correlate " is being used in a way consistent with our previous uses of " event " , " cause " , " condition " , " causal circumstance " , and " effect " : not for a type of thing , but for a thing itself , more particularly an individual property or set of such properties rather than a type .
30 The other available forms of pre-testing for print ads by means of survey research are all elaborations of the folder test — for example , an ad can be inserted into an actual magazine rather than a folder to provide something nearer to the real world .
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