Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] which [pron] would " in BNC.

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1 The idea is that one does not really accept a universal rule unless an imaginative attempt to put oneself in the place of everyone affected still leaves one happy with it , for only so does one accept the prescription that the action should be done in that case in which it would be oneself rather than the other who was in such a place .
2 no , not directly , each regional office would have a regional M D , managing director , who would actually be on the board , the divisional board with me , each regional M D would then have his own regional board on which there would be er finance er finance director , sales and marketing director , construction director , land director , not all of them , all seven had that board immediately , some developed that board , grew that board over a couple of years
3 But again I think it has been unfortunate er er that recently there have been a few cases in which it would have been better not to prosecute
4 The question posed is , What is the minimum acceptable budget below which anyone would be accepted as poor ?
5 ‘ Doone phoned me yesterday to say he 'd been to the boatyard and taken away some objects for which he would give me a receipt . ’
6 It was not simply a matter of switching the definitions of crime from what the working class do to what the capitalist class do ( that would merely be a transitional strategy ) ; in the socialist society both upper- and lower-class crime would disappear since there would be ‘ a set of social arrangements in which there would be no politically , economically and socially-induced need to criminalise deviance ’ ( Taylor , Walton and Young , 1973 , p. 270 ) .
7 There are certainly some situations in which it would be seen as entirely inappropriate , for example in relationships between grandchildren and their grandparents , where support is normally given from the older to the younger generation , but in the form of a gift .
8 But in a sense , too , she knew that Louise was not wrong to worry about Harry committing such a blunder , for Harry , moving in the social circles in which he would move , if he survived the siege , to the day of his death , would almost certainly suffer the inconveniences of having such a wife , would regret his marriage , and perhaps in due course would come to believe that his life had been ruined .
9 The result was that when Bollaert finally made his speech on 10 September it was obvious that , for all the rhetoric and for all the idealization of the French Union , if it was independence that France was offering , it was so heavily circumscribed as to make it obvious that France had , at most , transferred the Jacobin concept of ‘ the nation one and indivisible ’ to a French Union in which she would still be in a commanding position .
10 There were wall-sized French windows through which she would in daylight have been able to see the back garden .
11 It has elicited a number of interesting points on which we would do well to reflect .
12 Not only would their number have to be increased but they would also need to undergo years of specialized training for which they would expect a commensurate reward .
13 For such occasions Milton had perfected an immaculate form of rapid-fire introduction in which he would give his guests both their potted biographies and list of credits .
14 When the going got rough the brothers usually sent a deputy to face the unpleasant hostility to which they would be exposed .
15 What is reading ? — a simple question to which one would expect a simple answer .
16 That afternoon ( it was all on a Sunday ) he saw Chamberlain , and having directly asked him whether he agreed with the others and having received an affirmative answer , told him to call a meeting of the Shadow Cabinet for the following day at which he would say goodbye .
17 There are somewhat similar ways in which it would be odd to express assent to a question to show that one shared the speaker 's wondering .
18 This included a stern order to attend a wine and cheese party in Kensington the following week at which I would be able to collect one of the following gifts ; an environmentally friendly tofu griddle and rotisserie ; postdated shopping vouchers for the Sock Shop , Tie Rack , Next , Laura Ashley , Habitat , Heals and the Conran Shop ; a holiday in Nepal ; or a year 's supply of irradiated fruit .
19 When he finally paused for breath , I said , ‘ Hold on a moment ’ and explained that , although obviously nobody wants to spend more than they have to on anything , in my case it was a matter of principle , because I wanted my husband 's funeral to be a personal affair in which he would be ministered to by his loved-ones , not strangers .
20 The duty operated in the real world in which there would always be obstacles to giving every shade of opinion equal air time .
21 Since the scheme only started in 1978 , the current maximum amount of additional pension to which you would be entitled is £66.97 a week .
22 Sometimes he played games , drawing the assassins into verbal battles in which they would confess .
23 Molly felt similarly safe , brought to this strange place about which she would have clearly so much to learn .
24 The legal basis was being created for workers to set up their own professional , cultural and leisure-time organizations through which they would become integrated with the rest of society .
25 Nevertheless , at least in public , he reiterated his previous position that there were no foreseeable circumstances in which he would challenge Mrs Thatcher .
26 The other possible way of answering your question is to think in terms of having a large project in which you would write a whole series of poems that would add up into a book , which as it happens I have just done , since I have just published a book of poems which are all retellings of bible stories , and there the subjects quite clearly came from the outside , though I mean unless they latch onto something inside you they wo n't make poems .
27 In 1946 he returned and , under the sponsorship of the local government , began a new photographic project in which he would cover every aspect of life on the island .
28 They are among the most important semantic features of human language for which one would understandably be hard put to find correlates in other known systems of animal communication .
29 In addition , an important function of the RAC would be its financial responsibility specifically for rural development for which it would receive and disburse hypothecated funds from LEAs and Trusts and from which it would be empowered to make deficiency payments to the relevant providing body where deficits occurred .
30 France had given ‘ due importance to the kind of rural traditions without which it would be impossible to enjoy a way of life that recognises the importance of elements in our lives which enrich and enoble us , but which are not ‘ cost-effective ’ in strictly economic terms . ’
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