Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] which they [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 A Committee sponsored by the Hansard Society for Parliamentary Government to " look at problems arising out of the apparent failure … of government and industry to work together effectively " argued that " industrialists have been justified in recent years in criticising the government for failing to provide a stable economic framework within which they can plan and invest in the long-term " .
2 The official resolution said in reply that the gracefulness of his welcome was only increased because he ‘ did not belong to any of the Free Churches … and did not belong to any section of those political parties to which they might be supposed to belong ’ .
3 To study this problem , the investigators have first to develop small models for a small number of key countries , and then to simulate different strategies with which they might or might not manage to cooperate .
4 However , where the theoretician can help managers is in providing some framework into which they can put their observations about goals .
5 That is exactly what has happened in Southampton where , in spite of all the professional advice , the Government committed an offence against the public purse for which they should still be held accountable .
6 It also confutes their claim to completeness by staging narrative structures for which they can not account .
7 A working class , disciplined for industrial work , is in the process of formation at the new sites : the organisation of these workers inside the labour process , on the production line , also embraces the possibility of their developing forms of political and social self-organisation with which they can struggle for their own development .
8 Its difference from simple empirical generalization is that whereas this former extends its local names to a variety of historical situations to which they may be only partly appropriate , this latter , theoreticist tendency extends its presumptive interpretations and categories in what is always , essentially , a search for illustrative instances .
9 There are many words and phrases which can be put into this category in English , and many different ways in which they can be classified .
10 Well I get involved in it in so many different ways erm this is a difficult one , but one of the things that happens is that a number of teachers , both from the area and elsewhere , erm do advanced courses at the university and as part of these courses we have a unit on evaluation , and for this they will choose some area of their school work which they and their colleagues — and I emphasise that this is something they do have to involve their colleagues back at school in very much — erm feel it would be useful to look at and then they try and discuss with their colleagues what aspects of it are important and significant and what ought to be seen , and they bring this discussion back and we all discuss together there 'll be different teachers working on different problems the different ways in which they could approach this problem and how they might most usefully be able to do it and at the end of the exercise they will have found out quite a lot about this particular area of teaching and very often we find that the people they 've consulted have themselves got quite interested in it and begun to realize that it 's not being done in a way that 's there to threaten them , they 're not sending a report to the headmaster or the Chief Education Officer or anything like that — it 's for the benefit of the people doing the work themselves .
11 The latter is a good example of his more extended type of cantata with fewer but longer sections than Rossi 's : The opening of the duet will also illustrate one of Carissimi 's most striking characteristics , his genuine sense of key : The slow , uncertain supersession of mode by key had not yet generally revealed the possibilities of tonality for variety and dynamic structure ; composers still treated a key very much as a mode , a tonal area within which they could move and from which they wandered uncertainly , and which helped to give unity to a composition .
12 The first type of state is the case where monotonous driving on featureless roads , particularly motorways/highways , has been claimed to lead to the driver falling into a trance-like state in which they may fail to adequately respond to changes in the road environment .
13 Not only would their number have to be increased but they would also need to undergo years of specialized training for which they would expect a commensurate reward .
14 Mr Major 's transport ministers have desperately tried to discover some way in which they could carry out their former leader 's instruction that the railways must be privatised .
15 He said your body is like a book in which men may read strange things , a foreign country in which they may travel with delight .
16 As well as having gills , Lungfish have primitive lungs with which they can obtain oxygen from the air .
17 Given that it is a central goal of the Committee to encourage a public policy on education which will operate to generate and sustain an organic national culture , the only concrete examples within contemporary popular culture to which they can refer this policy in a favourable manner are those which are sufficiently residual as to be unable to offer more than a minimal oppositional purchase .
18 One problem with this kind of criticism is that the ‘ images ’ in question have often been misinterpreted , since they have been discussed without reference to the context or narrative structure in which they may appear .
19 They do n't experience the same problems socially or finding cultural events to which they can really relate .
20 When the going got rough the brothers usually sent a deputy to face the unpleasant hostility to which they would be exposed .
21 The Opposition parties have 20 days in each session in which they can select the topic for debate .
22 The advantage of such a system to trainees building a career lies in the complete flexibility with which they can gain qualifications .
23 Such politics stress the local or the specific without assuming that they constitute the starting point for a global hegemony into which they will be subsumed .
24 Under the Law Society 's Scheme , representatives who are not accredited will have a period of six months during which they can develop their skills by being paid for work on less serious cases .
25 They have reached the crucial point at which they can save because they have discharged other liabilities , but they will find such saving difficult .
26 In fact in its original Hebrew setting the shepherd referred to a totally different picture — one who actually cared for and was perhaps even prepared to give his life for the sheep , protecting them from very real danger from which they could not be expected to protect themselves .
27 In addition other purchasers , not wishing to miss a golden opportunity because they can not react quickly will attempt to insist that the seller grants them exclusive negotiating rights for a reasonable period of , for example , six weeks during which they should be able to agree a deal ; a so called lock out agreement .
28 This is an expanding market of course and potential sponsors are constantly searching for an appropriate product on which they can lavish their money .
29 We know how important it is to educate children , sometimes even those in their late primary school years , about the offending temptations with which they may be faced .
30 By dressing a narrow window with curtains inside the reveal you will cut out light during the day as there is no additional space in which they can be stacked back .
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