Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] which it [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 This is by no means the end of the matter , but enough has been stated to show the breadth of the definition of development and the technical complexities to which it can give rise .
2 The idea is that one does not really accept a universal rule unless an imaginative attempt to put oneself in the place of everyone affected still leaves one happy with it , for only so does one accept the prescription that the action should be done in that case in which it would be oneself rather than the other who was in such a place .
3 The endemic Hong Kong cascade frog has evolved suction pads on the end of each toe with which it can cling to the slippery rocks when the flash-floods strike .
4 But again I think it has been unfortunate er er that recently there have been a few cases in which it would have been better not to prosecute
5 Was there perhaps some route by which it could be circumvented ?
6 When ‘ PURPLE ’ has yielded to some new variation on Silk Cut 's eternal thematics , and when the airline traveller with egg on his face has faded from the public consciousness on which it will have so briefly impinged , Magritte 's images will still be there , mysterious and self-sufficient .
7 LASMO has sold its entire interest in 14 blocks , and part interests in three further blocks in which it will retain operatorship .
8 well that 's very kind of you that 's another basis on which it might , albeit innocently , had mislead a prospective purchaser , correct ?
9 If there is a will — and wills at that time are very easy to make , mere word of mouth is sufficient — the Bishop 's Court is the proper place in which it must be proved ; the Bishop 's Court will see that the executor carries out his duties properly .
10 But we need not pause to examine its defects , since there is a stronger and more interesting move with which it may be confused .
11 A court would interpret such words in their natural manner which is objective , i.e. the Secretary of State could not simply rely upon his own subjective beliefs , but would have to point to some evidence from which it could reasonably be inferred that , for example , Napoleon was a person of hostile origin .
12 Anyone who has witnessed my hon. Friend and his especially outstanding and noticeable ties will see that Redditch has many lively things on which it can be commended to the nation .
13 All of these aspects of the production of the text affect its meaning , both from the point of view of the author 's intention and of the most probable interpretation , even before we consider the wider social situations in which it may be encountered .
14 There are certainly some situations in which it would be seen as entirely inappropriate , for example in relationships between grandchildren and their grandparents , where support is normally given from the older to the younger generation , but in the form of a gift .
15 It is both " in itself " and is " conceived through itself " — i.e. it is that " the conception of which does not need the conception of another thing from which it must be formed " .
16 If LIFESPAN RDBI can not complete within the restricted time , it will stop at a sensible position from which it can subsequently restart .
17 Or , to put it in another way , there must be at least two non-synonymous descriptive phrases of which it can be said both that they are co-extensive in respect of the given non-meaning and characterise this non-meaning in an essential way .
18 The legality of the threat of use of a weapon therefore depends on an evaluation both of the characteristics of the weapon and of the possible circumstances in which it might be used .
19 Alison Kelly sees at least four distinct senses in which it can be argued that science is masculine .
20 Nor is there any serious basis on which it can be argued that there is a party political divide over the particular of reducing tobacco consumption among children .
21 A crucial factor upon which it will depend is the speed at which management-employee buy-out teams can mount bids .
22 There are somewhat similar ways in which it would be odd to express assent to a question to show that one shared the speaker 's wondering .
23 The company anticipates that the personal communicator will open up new markets and will prove an ideal base to which it can add its own technology — the Digital European Cordless Telecommunications system .
24 Where objects are deliberately unique it may be that they are intended to signify some generic concept of uniqueness , such as in art ; the object is then both an individual form and an example of a larger category to which it must be related .
25 The results ( e.g. Figure 3.9 ) can be plotted in a graph of the rate of correct choices against the number of times the rat has been made to run through the maze ( where a ‘ correct ’ choice is one in the direction in which it will be rewarded , or in the opposite direction from which it will be shocked ) .
26 However , although there was less to be done , there were also fewer hours in which it could be accomplished .
27 The Faculty will normally only register for the LL.M. degree those candidates who possess a prior degree in law although there are exceptional circumstances in which it will vary this requirement .
28 Holland had both a tradition of national independence to which it could look back , and important colonial possessions , but , like Belgium , was formally ‘ new ’ .
29 The offer must be in writing , must state a Period of not less than 21 days within which it can be accepted and withdrawal of the offer before the end of the stated period is forbidden .
30 Quite apart from achieving neat endings to actions bear in mind that a shot has a natural length beyond which it should not run .
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