Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] [adj] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There is an inherent difficulty in that often the main dividend from a task analysis is from the act of obtaining it .
2 The establishment of the mixed patrician-plebeian collegium of the Xviri sacris faciundis coincides with the full parification of the two orders in the Licinian-Sextian laws of 367 B.C. The members of the college presumably had to know some Greek if they were to consult the Sibylline books .
3 though the Conservative government were able , in 1981 , to amend the GDO to increase the scope of permitted development from 10 to 15 per cent , the Labour government ‘ were forced to withdraw similar proposals in 1977 following a spirited battle in the House of Lords ’ .
4 Mrs Thatcher finally announced her decision to resign at a Cabinet meeting summoned at the unusually early hour of 9 am the next day , declaring that she had concluded that the unity of the party and the prospects of victory in a general election would be better served if she stood down to enable Cabinet colleagues to enter the ballot for the leadership .
5 Does he agree that reductions in personal taxation are a highly efficacious means of stimulating simultaneously the demand and the supply sides of the economy ?
6 Afghanistan , which had been a monarchy until a coup in 1973 , was declared a Democratic Republic in 1978 following a second coup led by the communist People 's Democratic Party of Afghanistan ( PDPA ) , which installed a government largely comprising its own members .
7 ‘ The substantial improvement we reported for 1992 has continued in the first three months of 1993 following a further sharp reduction in our worldwide underwriting deficit .
8 A CONFUSED computer gave a weary couple a rude awakening at one o'clock every morning .
9 However , despite the extension of ICA to working-age married women in 1986 following a successful appeal to the European Court , ICA is still received by less than one-tenth of all carers who are providing thirty-five hours ' help a week ( McLaughlin , 1991 , p. 2 ) .
10 The amount outstanding on bank credit cards increased by £0.13bn in the fourth quarter of 1991 following an increase of £0.21bn in the previous quarter .
11 In the first months of 1950 both the British service chiefs and many influential figures in Washington complained that too little was being done to combat the communist threat in the Cold War .
12 The vertical bar is a pipe command that passes the output of one command to another so the ECHO .
13 Everything came through in the first nine months of 1991 so the company was able to trade profitably .
14 He opened one eye at 6.30 am the following morning and there stood that efficient individual dispensing bright conversation and a cup of steaming , over-sweet tea .
15 And there was a very long corridor with a mo what must have been I should think five , there was no sixth form , so there 'd be five classes , five classrooms off this long the hallway perhaps as wide as this room which is what thirteen feet .
16 There followed a time of uncertainty and bloodshed which was eventually resolved when the republic developed into an empire with Augustus as its first emperor from 27 B.C. The Augustan period from then until his death in A.D. 14 was one of the great and successful ages of man and , architecturally , this is reflected in the many great buildings which were erected under the auspices of Augustus whose boast was that when he came to Rome it was a city of bricks but that he left it a city of marble .
17 Maria Carlita Rex Doran began developing the new fuel in 1980 following a government plea to scientists to devise new indigenous power sources to meet the country 's severe energy shortage .
18 On the 22nd Gracey 's forces assisted the French in what , despite what was claimed at the time and subsequently , was an almost bloodless coup by which they occupied the Town Hall and other central points ; and two nights after that about a hundred and fifty French civilians , including many women and children , were massacred by Vietnamese who burst into the Cite Heraud district past indifferent Japanese guards .
19 Compared with 1970 , the Liberal vote nearly trebled : at over six million , this vote represented more than half of the votes going to each of the main parties against little over a sixth in 1970 .
20 Incidentally , I cycled past the Royal Palace at 2 a.m. the next morning and saw that all the flags had been taken down except ours — a gesture of regal solidarity , perhaps ? !
21 The PKO bill was finally approved by the upper house in the early hours of June 9 by 137 votes to 102 following a major filibustering effort by the SDPJ and the Japan Communist Party ( JCP ) which lasted for almost four days and nights .
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