Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [be] that [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One rather strange anomaly is that such intercourse is legal between consenting male adults over the age of 21 , but is illegal between heterosexuals and is punishable by a large fine or four years in prison .
2 The main impact of this measure was that many landlords used the freedom to evict allowed under decontrol to sell previously let properties into owner-occupation .
3 What attracts many scientists to this hypothesis is that those perturbations of the orbits of Neptune and Pluto have yet to be explained satisfactorily in any other way .
4 One additional feature of the responses to tasks exemplifying this criterion is that many pupils refer to 3-D shapes by the names of their faces , i.e. " a cube " may be referred to as " a square " , or a pyramid as a " triangle " .
5 Each of these has changed substantially in the post-war period , but the central argument of this chapter is that such changes can not be seen as the result only of changes within the UK .
6 A general point to be kept in mind throughout this chapter is that any tax reform involves the costs of transition from one scheme to another .
7 The real message that came from this question was that many family and part-time farmers had wives willing to do more than at present .
8 The most remarkable feature of this migration is that each stream maintains a distinct population of salmon , sometimes visibly different from those in a neighbouring steam .
9 The background to this inquiry was that all students doing so studies as a supplementary study have to produce a project whit assessed by Birmingham Polytechnic .
10 One of the results of this difference is that such accents have different pronunciations for the two members of pairs of words that are pronounced identically ( i.e. are homophones ) in RP , e.g. ‘ won ’ and ‘ one ’ , ‘ nun ’ and ‘ none ’ .
11 The lesson of this period is that this type of legislation by itself , even when backed by executive exhortation , is insufficient to change sentencing outcomes ; and that unless sentencing discretion is restricted there is little hope of modifying sentencers ' own objectives in the pursuit of policy goals favoured by the executive ( Sabol , 1990 ) .
12 ‘ A further complication is that some products are doing exceptionally well while others are in decline . ’
13 A further complication is that some plants , especially foliage houseplants , seldom flower in this country , or only do so when many years old .
14 What needs to be stressed at this point is that this evolution is rooted in a very specific historical moment of production .
15 Another drawback is that many census estimates concentrate on natural change ( i.e. the difference between births and deaths ) and tend to ignore the most effective component of population change in the western world , migration .
16 The nub of this criticism is that such views give rise to a kind of political paralysis : everything must wait until the revolutionary moment in which the production relations are transformed ; until then labour must play a purely oppositional role , a role which Precludes struggle of a ‘ prefigurative ’ kind .
17 One prevalent notion is that this self-improvement can be achieved through encouraging less rational , more intuitive , styles of thinking , and that dreams represent this ideal .
18 The only difference when we open the economy to foreign trade is that some relief for I m could occur if an additional part of C m now comes from abroad .
19 What is essential to this mode is that each country should communicate via some agency of central government located in that part of the state 's apparatus which is concerned with the administration of justice .
20 The logical extension of this argument is that some form of interdependence might be possible , where Third World actors could carve out niches for themselves in the crevices that the hegemon TNCs leave unattended .
21 Well the word from Ireland this week is that this horse is jumping out of its skin .
22 The results of this approach are that some individuals may be committed to lifelong drug therapy which they do not need .
23 A consequence of this approach is that many managers within one division will not know what is important to another division , as well as the overall corporation .
24 The main difficulty of this interpretation is that all traces of the actual cella have been lost ( his p. 18 ) .
25 A further concern is that all competitors in a particular market should be treated equally , to avoid a green version of Gresham 's law where bad environmental practices are allowed to chase out good .
26 A further concern is that some journals do not transmit the referees ' comments to the authors ; this wastes the referees ' time and fails to appreciate that they want to improve published articles not just act as gatekeepers .
27 A further consideration is that some variables such as occupation , industry and educational qualifications were only coded for 10% of non-imputed households .
28 But the unpleasant reality is that some holiday destinations are positively dangerous .
29 The funny thing is that more kids will now want to buy the record from the stores where it is actually available .
30 The funny thing is that more kids will now want to buy the record from the stores where it is actually available .
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