Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [conj] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Only time will tell but at least it is a step in the right direction and certainly in line with the views expressed by Mary Joe Fernandez in a splendidly reasoned and cogent article which she wrote for The New York Times at the end of last year .
2 The desire to ensure that the adult child retains an appropriate degree of independence can be particularly tricky in these circumstances , especially if she or he returns to live in the parents ' home and is dependent upon them for accommodation , child care , emotional support and possibly for money as well .
3 One of them was Guardsman Johnny Cooper who had managed to join the Scots Guards while still under age and who was very impressed by his commanding officer : ‘ he was different from the officers I had come into contact with up to that time .
4 They appear again on the south and east sides of the Spanish Meseta and then on way down into Africa .
5 On the Saturday Mum grabbed the opportunity to head for the shops , while the rest of us had an interesting time choosing a tennis racquet for Roland to give to me for my birthday — a generous present and already in use .
6 If you receive payment for looking after one or more children who are not related to you , for 2 hours or more per day , then you should , by law , register with your local Social Services Department .
7 Plasticine is an old favourite and together with dough provides a useful alternative to clay .
8 Membership is automatic if you are at least 16 years old and work for 30 hours or more per week .
9 About thirty sub-adult tigers there were darted and fitted with radio collars so that their movements could be monitored , sometimes from a light aircraft but often from elephant back !
10 Fowler argues that the analyst should attend particularly to the social function of linguistic structures in literature ; texts should not be viewed as self-contained systems but as process , ‘ the communicative interaction of implied speakers and thus of consciousness and of communities ’ ( p. 94 ) .
11 But can you think of anybody for yourself who you could think of who over the recently or over the in the past few centuries or closer to home have shown the gifts of the Holy Spirit in their lives ?
12 ‘ While tragic in any circumstances , property repossessions were at a very low level , representing only 0.25pc of mortgages outstanding , and the year end not one mortgage was 12 months or more in arrear , ’ said Mr Wood .
13 ‘ Whilst tragic in any circumstances , property repossessions were at a very low level , representing only 0.25 per cent of mortgages outstanding , and at the year end not one mortgage was 12 months or more in arrear .
14 I 'll play the odd game for the Harlequins Gentlemen for some exercise and also in charity events , but that is all ’ — PAUL ACKFORD ( former England lock ) on rumours that he might be persuaded to return to the international scene .
15 The relative lack of progress in developing and disseminating models of good practice , including assessment , with older people and their families is a reflection in part of their relatively low status within professional and organizational cultures , not only within social work but also in medicine , education , and academic disciplines .
16 The NCC has identified this habitat as urgently in need of protection since only about 3% remains .
17 Britain 's local councils charge £6-10 a ton to put solid waste in landfills : a price , say the commercial firms , that does not reflect capital investment or the sums that must be et aside to ensure a landfill is properly maintained during its 30 years or so of life .
18 It was also concerned with the effect of nationalized industry deficits on public borrowing and hence on inflation and interest rates .
19 For example , if we seek a document on the economic history of Germany and we know that works on history are arranged first by country , then by social process and then by period , it will be easier for us to find this document than if the subdivision was less systematic .
20 Since the abolition of direct imprisonment for debts not exceeding £20 , the Insolvent Debtors Court and , after its abolition , the Bankruptcy Court in London and the county courts in the provinces , had possessed the power of imprisonment for forty days or less upon proof of means to pay or fraud .
21 To accommodate it on the upflow tube we 've had to trim off another inch or so of piping with the hacksaw .
22 Maybe , now that they know it works and if they are embold-Clare Shearer as Rosina ened , it will grow during the run into the big , bold bellylaugh it ought to be , forgetting operatic pretensions to high art and closer to situation comedy .
23 Fly fishing which is also done in fresh water but sometimes in saltwater .
24 The fact that the college is situated in a campus-like setting alongside two other further education colleges not only reduces the isolation which is characteristic of the great majority of agricultural colleges , but also enables its students to share residential , recreational , and sporting facilities and membership of student societies both with the College of Librarianship and the Aberystwyth College of Further Education and also with University College , Aberystwyth .
25 The introduction of abstract concepts into Social Studies and sometimes into Science syllabuses at a very early stage presupposes a level of cognitive development which Piagetian research would suggest to be beyond the average capacity of Swiss children .
26 It maddened Adam , his misuse of this word , which could n't of course be applied to guiding anyone on land , coming as it did from the Latin navigare and thence from navis , feminine , a ship , and agere , to drive or guide .
27 Amid the stark , and in places green-hued contours of the half mile or so of cliff and tumbled boulders that is Froggatt , there exists a wealth of entertaining and varied climbing .
28 The figure , which compares with a loss of £112 million in 1991 , is thought to have been topped only by a near-£1.8 billion loss recorded by British Steel while still in state hands in 1979-80 .
29 Yes , you you 've got to extend the route , well of course you 've got to put up , trolley poles every for about forty yards and then of course there was two lengths of trolley wire that had to go because as you know trolley buses used to have two arms , positive and negative supply and er , of course the bus had to come back er alongside the premiu the outward route , it come on , so you had four wires up there and the cost of copper wire was terrific so the motor buses were developed and we expenim experimented with the buses on , on extensions mainly but when the extensions were finished we then begradged because trolley wires were then beginning to wear out , rather than replace them they would convert a trolley route into a bus route , and erm because the erm , there was a lot of people hated to see the demise of the trolley buses because they were so clean and silent and the buses came , you got the deal sloke and lumbering of the old engines , that a lot of people hated to see the trolley buses go but cos that was the , the reason that they went .
30 According to these data , for instance , from the aspect of the viability of the fetus , it is better to have a second child at ages 30–34 than a first child at this age or even at age 24–29 years .
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