Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [conj] [adv] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Many attempts have been made to find a version of utilitarianism which avoids the oddities both of straight totalistic utilitarianism and straight average utilitarianism but none seems to be really satisfactory .
2 Pregnant women often have thick and luxuriant hair because unusually high oestrogen levels extend the growing cycle , preventing individual follicles from entering telogen .
3 It is an important matter because clearly if er if the matter er if the suspicion er turns out to have been reasonable but not to bear t further examination then an accountant er could find themselves in great difficulty er both with regard to pecuniary difficulty and also professional difficulty and it 's something the minister needs to look at .
4 The law would be taking its stately course and perhaps one day she would have to sign documents , but as yet there had been no word from France — even Marguerite had not written — and Jenna felt very much alone .
5 So you would feel probably the best mechanism would be the appointment of somebody who is given that responsibility and solely that responsibility of reporting and looking after the interest of the deferred pensioners .
6 It is , therefore , unreasonable to expect that first-line or even middle management would necessarily have the perspective or information needed to deal effectively with all ideas that are brought to their attention ( second communication gap ) .
7 Suzuki admitted that he had received 10,000,000 yen from Abe which he had neither declared as a political donation nor as personal income , and Shiozaki acknowledged the receipt of 20,000,000 yen but denied that it had been a bribe .
8 If the need for more labour intensive economic activities is recognised , and if the full social costs of continuing rural decline and urban expansion are calculated then a strong case can be made for more determined political action and considerably increased government investment in many DRAs .
9 Questions of authorial intention or even authorial ascription may no longer be paramount within critical inquiry , but discussing texts as cultural documents implies that there is a discernible document , an artefact .
10 None of the four played any part in the 1719 invasion , and the real centre of British power in the Highlands was Inverness , where Major-General Joseph Wightman was in command of some 130 Highlanders , 120 dragoons and about 850 foot soldiers , including four companies of infantry from Holland .
11 He is said to be aged between 29-30 , around 6ft tall and of slim build with a thin face , dark eyebrows , narrow eyes and long narrow nose .
12 It is now a classically wedge-shaped dairy cow , particularly fine about the neck and shoulders , with an alert carriage and generally elegant appearance ; its mild temperament makes it very easy to handle and it is famous for its productive longevity .
13 Like most other oppressive systems , apartheid education has had an impact on individuals , families and communities which goes beyond economic disadvantage and even political disenfranchisement .
14 It was the first ‘ peasant ’ sport , an activity which required little expense and even less understanding , yet still boasted appreciable aesthetics .
15 His much praised history of a village through different voices , different times and very different writing styles .
16 At length the Head Messenger , a man from East London of some presence but little formal education , stepped forward : ‘ Perhaps I can help you , gentlemen , ’ he said with a deferential cough .
17 He was cleared at a celebrated trial and later committed suicide .
18 The weather , sunny intervals this afternoon but also scattered light showers .
19 There are two acts here the creation of a community , a body politic , by the social contract and then that community establishes a government as a separate act and I shall emphasise the significance of that shortly .
20 The essential difference , therefore , between this course and more conventional university courses is that it is very explicitly geared to the needs of industry , and students spend one year on industrial placement .
21 Commentary at the time largely recognised that it was yet another atrocity designed to antagonise political and public sympathy and hopefully upset cooperation between London and Dublin .
22 After several weeks of fevered indigestion and almost terminal flatulence Grom emerged triumphant .
23 In the eighteenth century the professions , which were to be the core of the nineteenth-century middle class , brought some social esteem but little economic power .
24 Careful preparation and consistently self-critical writing pay dividends .
25 Now discussion is limited normally to one and a half hours and even that possibility disappears if the Commons has other urgent business that requires a sitting to be extended beyond the normal closure at 10 p.m .
26 Quantitative scores may be more appropriate for research purposes , for evaluating the effectiveness of different forms of therapy , for screening large numbers of children , and for identifying whether or not a particular child is experiencing difficulties which warrant further assessment and possibly some form of placement or remediation .
27 Nurses of the same grade may possess different skills and thus each ward/department must identify its specific skill requirements It may be necessary to employ nurses who have undergone further training or gained additional skills through experience .
28 When you 're in the Alps , having a car allows you to drive to different resorts if either poor snow or long queues in yours is a problem .
29 He was able to address the Eleventh Party Congress in August that year and emphasised the need for ‘ less empty talk and more hard work ’ ( quoted in Benewick and Wingrove 1988 : 14 ) .
30 The basic rule is that termination payments are generally regarded by the Inland Revenue as fully taxable pay , unless they are :
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