Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [conj] [verb] him a " in BNC.

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1 Royal Scottish Chief Executive Ian Offor wrote thanking him for his prompt action and sent him a Fortnum and Mason luxury hamper as a token of appreciation .
2 I rumpled his dark curly hair but gave him a firm ‘ No ’ when he asked , ‘ If I play radio louder , me get better more quickly ? ’
3 Joe had met up with Benny again on one of his rare trips to his old haunts and offered him a job , which Benny was glad to accept .
4 He also conducted extensive tests on his engines , which demonstrated their high efficiency and gained him a reputation as a highly scientific engineer .
5 Antonio fished in his back pocket and handed him a card .
6 And she put it before Gabriel on a wooden plate and gave him a wooden cup full of water .
7 So I boiled them in pan for the dog and I put some taters in and a few peas and carrots sort of thing and some Oxos and made him a r a right good dinner .
8 But World War I gave him the chance to stand on internationalist ground with an uncompromising fervour and personal courage that gave him a status denied to most of the others , whose work lay in the factories and in the shop stewards ' movement .
9 And the man to do that was John Bloomm , whose Rolls Razor company brought automated washing within the reach of ordinary people and made him a tycoon worth millions .
10 ‘ At the time we were very short on quick bowling , and decided to take a real gamble and offer him a place on our staff .
11 In addition , the war years had turned de Gaulle himself into a national leader and given him a unique symbolic identity , and yet had left him an inexperienced politician without an organized or cohesive following .
12 Boniface informed the archbishop about the holding of Frankish synods and sent him a copy of their decrees , particularly those of the council of 747 , urging him to reform the behaviour of bishops and condemning their adornment of dress and propensity for drunkenness .
13 The Oxford public orator of 1960 commended him for all he had done in persuading Oxford undergraduates to a reasonable faith and called him a most penetrating interpreter of the New Testament and a very powerful bulwark of Mother Church .
14 He forgets I can lean forward in this great chair and give him a good whack across the shoulders .
15 Knocker re-filled Sooty 's mug with rough cider and gave him a disapproving look at the same time .
16 I patted Armstrong 's stubbly radiator and promised him a good clean-out .
17 There have been many doubts that Gazza could n't make a come-back at club level or even contemplate straddling the international scene again with the outrageous talent that made him a folk hero .
18 He expected Caterina to be there to tell him that Rosalba absolutely refused to meet him in such compromising circumstances and considered him a blackguard and a monster even to suggest such an assignation .
19 Then I saw the spare figure of Captain Robins walking towards me , bag in hand : even on land after such a short voyage he had the kind of rolling gait that proclaimed him a man of the sea .
20 She talked to him for only a short while and left him a booklet with clear diagrams of the proposed surgery .
21 A civilian came up to the mousy man and asked him a question .
22 He was confronted , in fact , by a farm labourer , who helped him into his small cottage and offered him a cup of tea .
23 She leaned out of her front bay-window and gave him a shout .
24 He had heavy grey-flecked eyebrows that gave him a wise demeanour and looked on religion the way some men looked on marriage : as a necessary part of life .
25 Peter Powell 's adventures with kites had already put him into the headlines when he ‘ flew ’ his grandmother , long before he perfected the diamond-shaped stunter that made him a worldwide name from 1974 .
26 Garvey 's twisted his dreams and taken the pageant from him and turned the plays to his own ends and made him a party to this … this blasphemy !
27 Here we show how TODAY produced a slimline Santa and gave him a new modern look .
28 The contract resolved his own financial difficulties and gave him a very competitive car .
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