Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [conj] [verb] i [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 It 's a wonderful opportunity , please do n't discard it out of hand because of pride or pique , just think it over for a few days and let me know your decision when you are ready . ’
2 They were guilty as hell over the East German business and made me look a fool .
3 Sometimes I will have abandoned a painting , got really tired of it and feel it 's not getting anywhere , and you will come and make some remark that makes me look at it again and think : oh yes , I could just pull that one together .
4 It 's another thing that makes me wonder if the crazed geniuses who developed the first Intelloids were n't perpetrating some subtly painful joke on the human race .
5 Please would you investigate this problem and let me know what action you take to resolve it .
6 Again , there are those who would quarrel with this view but let me tell you that we all have a mentor , an inner teacher , a guardian angel , a being of light who protects us and is totally dedicated to the task of leading us to the point of self-realization , to bring about the harmony and peace for which we pray .
7 ‘ In that case you must come over some time and let me show you around .
8 Switch off that machine and let me die now . ’
9 And often , as I sat writing such poems that helped me cling to the last shreds of my many identities , I would suddenly sense that you were indeed approaching .
10 It was pure chance that made me notice the writing on the top file , as I pushed open the window .
11 Is this a mating ritual or do I have a pair of schizos in the tank ?
12 I have a folding mac that makes me look like a haystack in the rain , I have an umbrella that would fit most of Dublin under it . ’
13 All the time you ought to be asking yourself : " why should anyone believe what I am writing ? " and " what have I noticed in the text or in background , contextual materials that makes me think this ? "
14 well drove out and turned , her bumper caught Mick 's wing and right up against the wheel so imagine to pull it out to drive it and the driver said oh wo n't claim on the insurance she said , erm , I 'll pay it , get three estimates and let me have them and Mick said it 's gon na be about three hundred quid , well if it had gone through the insurance he could then have put in for a hire car
15 By Christ and Leonard I shall love no failing clerk nor do I care to receive a clerk within the house nor on the floor ; let him keep his arse outside the door !
16 Because I just in my normal sort of intelligent way asked the librarian to come up with lots of cuttings on environmental health and let me have a quick little read , this was probably about twenty to three or something you know I probably needed about three weeks to do it .
17 So Judge — gave us a 21-month suspended sentence and let me walk out the court .
18 Alec wore a navy-blue romper suit — the outfit of a French workman , or indeed that of some little new-wave narcissist at a C. L. & S. screening It was the sight of him in his issued clothing that made me sense just how far he had fallen .
19 There had been little birdsong in the devastated places I had come from and I think it was the striking on my ear of the calling of a blackbird , so meaningful somehow as it sounded out clearly from the delicious chatter in those trees that made me feel the war was over .
20 I 'd swap my vest and plasters for a Marks and Spencer circle-stitched bra , a rigid , pointed contraption that made me look as if I had a couple of ice-cream cones up my jumper : I could never fill them to the end ( not even on a good day ) and the last waltz would result in dents in the ends .
21 It was that inner voice that made me cringe as I lay sleepless on my lumpy mattress listening to the pogoing of the bedstead against the wall next door , where my co-tenants were pursuing their nightly quest for the elusive grail of Trish 's orgasm .
22 The only thing that made me go into any routine was Pam .
23 The only thing that makes me doubt that is that the general proposition underlying it appears to have received some incoherent support from the Leader of the Opposition .
24 Are you going to throw that flaming dice or do I have to do it for you ?
25 It was foolish hurt pride that made me behave so coldly towards you .
26 ‘ I 've got that ego that makes me want to jump up and down , ’ he explains later .
27 ‘ I 've got that ego that makes me want to jump up and down , ’ he explains later .
28 ‘ I 've got that ego that makes me want to jump up and down , ’ he explains later .
29 ‘ I 've got that ego that makes me want to jump up and down , ’ he explains later .
30 Indeed , my research on images of the gene in popular culture is revealing trends that make me wonder about the results of public participation .
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