Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [adv] as not [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 With fine timing we arrived , parking under cover of some distance so as not to arouse suspicion .
2 So good , I ordered a low-al lager so as not to get locked into a session .
3 I carefully examined every photograph in minute detail through a magnifying glass so as not to miss a thing .
4 While it is true that we have until now been concerned with consciousness , and used the term " mental events " in the ordinary way so as not to include all that may be included in the mental , the rest of the subject-matter of that domain is not thereby excluded from our coming reflections .
5 It was the same at the funeral , they were all so quiet , the four men who brought in the coffin wore thick soft-soled shoes so as not to make a noise , nothing must interrupt so that it seemed like a silent film unreeling to the sound of psalms .
6 As I have already emphasized , withholding attention so as not to reinforce undesirable behaviour should be only one part of a dual strategy ; the other essential component is a positive and active policy of reinforcing ( rewarding ) good behaviour .
7 The temperature falls and Nathan pulls the nylon sledge cover up over his head , peering out through a narrow slit so as not to miss anything .
8 Such a State should act in good faith so as not to frustrate the objects of the treaty .
9 The first is that of narrowing down the causal relation so as not to include , as being in the same self , mental states that belong to different selves .
10 The student should be advised to break up his study time into fairly short sections so as not to spend too long on any one particular area of study .
11 If you have to join your seat out of more than one piece , remember to keep the loose tongue or biscuits near to one edge so as not to cut through them when adzing .
12 The execution … of the Saviour 's plan required the prudent application of wise and well-judged measures so as not to injure private property , not to disturb civil order , not to expose Christianity to the scandal of sedition , not to obscure the glory of a Kingdom not of this world .
13 When they went out on their own with girls , they tended to fix things for the same evening so as not to spend two nights separated where one would do .
14 At one time it was usual practice for the care case to be adjourned pending the outcome of the criminal trial so as not to prejudice the defendant 's position .
15 There are a number of industries around Baden , all sited with typical Swiss discretion so as not to bruise the town 's charm .
16 On the one hand for environmental reasons , for their environmental reasons I should say , and on the other hand so as not to come as a nuisance to residents of existing communities .
17 the flat in , in London , the flat we came from and so we had accumulated a little more furniture than one would usually have in two rooms and the kitchen and we got here and were allowed to spread ourselves , if there 's one criticism that one could say about this house , is that the size of the rooms confines you to what you put in them , they 're square , that the , the division between the living room and the dining room is through a pair of glass doors , where perhaps that could of been arranged with either sliding doors or some other feature so as not to separate it yet again into two square boxes and erm
18 Cupboards and shelves were built all round the room and concealed behind neat panels of canvas-covered wood , with touch-opening mechanisms so as not to break the continuity of the limited space .
19 They 'll be easing me on as the new presenter so as not to put too much pressure on me .
20 Last December , Congress charged that money set aside for cleaning up several of the 400 ‘ top-priority ’ dumps had been held up last autumn so as not to benefit local Democratic officeholders , who were fighting off Republican challengers in the November elections .
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