Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [pron] always [vb -s] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I have long , naturally curly hair which always seems to be dry and often goes frizzy .
2 Emma is the kind of fictitious Englishwoman who always refers to herself as ‘ one ’ and views the world with social and intellectual hauteur .
3 To return to Molla Fenari , one can not then determine with any certainty the date of his journey to Egypt since it is impossible to assert confidently which of the seemingly contradictory facts or sets of facts-Ibn Hajar 's statement that he made the journey in 778 , Taskopruzade 's statement that he went in company with Seyyid Serif , Taskopruzade 's association of Seyyid Serif 's arrival in Karaman with Cemaleddin Aksarayi 's death , and so on-deserves most weight , though perhaps the specific nature of Ibn Hajar 's date argues in its favour while , equally , the slight suspicion which always attaches to attempts to associate great figures of the past argues against the association of Molla Fenari and Seyyid Serif .
4 It is your turn to be the good guy who always wins in the end , but who must first dispatch a host of vicious villains .
5 A compass is really a magnetized needle which always points to the North .
6 Thus , whilst their Lordships entirely understand why both Barnett J. and the Court of Appeal should have felt , in the light of the passage cited from Reg. v. Bow Street Stipendiary Magistrate , Ex parte Director of Public Prosecutions , 91 Cr.App.R. 283 , 296–297 , that the district judge had paid insufficient regard to the task undertaken by the prosecution , they consider that the district judge was in fact correct to take into account all the factors together , without reference to any burden of proof other than the heavy burden which always rests on a defendant who seeks a stay on the grounds of delay .
7 But , whatever it is that her flooding liquid pigment does , one thing it always seems to be bringing about in the beholder .
8 ‘ The trouble is that even when it 's a bad virus it always looks like ‘ flu — and remember , the polio itself dies out in about a week .
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